May 2008 Blog Posts (21)

the single bleeding essence

you put the light on everything then you see it

Added by Marie on May 28, 2008 at 9:12pm — No Comments


Dude, I woke up this morning with a terrible pain in my right arm. Now, knowing me and with wrestling and all, I figured I pulled a muscle. So I thought nothing of it. But I didn't feel good to my stomach and i felt like I wanted to throw up (still do). Well, I didn't notice the bite until I was already at school. I looked at it and it looked like a mosquito bite. I thought nothing of it unitl I relaized that all of the pain was generated from the same bite on my arm. I moved my arm a bit and… Continue

Added by Nikkay :] on May 28, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

rawwwwk it!!

so yeah im pumped about life and about this blog and i really do want this all to come out in the raddest way. so yea i recommend the book, "the disappearance of the universe" by gary renard. i was readin it the other day. ive read parts of it b4 like a while ago, never really rememberd it, but thought it was rad cuz its similiar to the books that started it all for me. the 'conversations with god' books that are in conversation form, real neat to read. just neale talking then god...and in this… Continue

Added by Marie on May 27, 2008 at 8:58pm — No Comments

How i feel when i listen to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

When i listen to RJA i get a fuzzy feeling in my belly, but its a good feeling. It makes me feel protected. And all my problems seem to dissapear. The lyrics "use me as you will, pull my strings just for a thrill. And i know i'll be okay, though my skies are turning grey" They make me feel like no matter WHAT i go through there is always a way to get over it. If ya get me?

Its just me and the music.

NOTHING else matters.

Its just Ronnie singing with all his… Continue

Added by Vonny!=] on May 26, 2008 at 2:28pm — 4 Comments

..summer time its over in here...

...oh gosh!!the time is too fast!!!its like 2 weeks before i have go again to my school..this year im in 3rd year high im gonna miss you not be able to open this site regularly..but i will be continue supporting rja even im very busy in my studies...hahaha..thatz what you called rja all..lav you..

Added by xent on May 26, 2008 at 4:51am — 1 Comment

Nuthin much to say other than...

Hey whtas up? I'm bored and i'm taking a break from writing my book, Bllod Goblet. If you want to know more about the story you can ask me any time. or email me at if you want but either way i'll type back as soon as i can. seen-as-how i'm grounded at the moment and sneaking on to my dad's pc as i speak. My 'rentals (technically speaking 'rental would be the correct term,) considering, my step-mom, well at least to me, is not my mom norwill she ever be, I have a… Continue

Added by XxScenexGirlxX1x9x9x1x on May 24, 2008 at 11:17pm — No Comments

New Album???

Hey, Just wondering if anyone knows some stuff about the new album, because i live in australia and rja cancelled their tour due to recording or something and wondering if that was for a new album or just the acoustic version of dont you fake it... so please hit me up if u are more informed then me... lol

Added by CaLLuM on May 22, 2008 at 1:22am — 2 Comments

so sincere, dear/

so if gods lawis love, compassion, generosity, kindess, etc etc then all u see is beauty.

only god-u-exists and you can then be only god energy pulsating.

you can feel the energy around you. sure in god. that thisis real. no seperation, truly is all u are, all the time.

that is becuase you think you need somthing. (go back tot he illusions..need is one of them) illusions uprooted like dirt

i was doing somethin rad and i got like an ego pulse comin in… Continue

Added by Marie on May 20, 2008 at 5:11pm — 1 Comment

I met Ronnie! (Manchester Roadhouse, May 18th, 2008)

So, I went to see the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus on Sunday 18th May, (with Kill the Arcade and Sherwood) along with my fiancée and my friend Mike. The gig was awesome, and Ronnie said he'd be staying after the gig to talk to people. So we waited, and finally got to talk to him! We spoke about our girlfriends and "Your Guadian Angel" as he told us he wrote it about his wife, which was nice. Then we got our concert tickets signed, and our picture taken with him. We spoke about video games, and Ronnie… Continue

Added by Chris on May 19, 2008 at 10:00pm — 14 Comments

RJA is officially a part of me forever....

check out my new ink pics!!

Added by Sarah [APPARATUS] on May 18, 2008 at 4:53pm — No Comments

First Breath

Breathing in, Breathing out, im living here at a standstill theres no way out,theres sumpthing missing within me...its unseen. Theres an empty space calling out to be filled, it needs some shelter from this bitter place. Im reaching out into this , trying to regain my senses, Im trying to trust, I want to love, I dont want to hate so im calling out now.... but something within me is tellin me to stop...and just breathe...just keep on breathing, just stop searching...and maybe,maybe....someone… Continue

Added by JennX on May 16, 2008 at 8:11pm — 1 Comment

you already know this all!

you cant be anyother way but being.

or you cant be anything else but urself..uve heard that before.

so heres the thing i talk about being and beingness.ya so its really the you instilled in you already.

its living in the moment---->EACH MOMENT with god.

"your like a good book i cant put down." --christ

now this drawn out paragraph i am going to type is from last night. see i had an awakening last night about my true reality and… Continue

Added by Marie on May 16, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

hows the world turns around and becomes sound.

well i am my hugest breathe. hugest breakthrough.

so going back to my last blog. to explain a bit about those qualities ..what qualities mean, real are you. define us. are what you want to live by. its a feeling, a deep more inner knowing then my vocab. swarm of love. love.warmth love this deeper then the word love. morals-like a warm net. like water. "i am unearthed." no other way. u r feeling. u r not a body. its not body related. its like inner.

u r fully capable of… Continue

Added by Marie on May 15, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments


This was brought on by a discussion we had in my history class today...

Why are people so intolerant of others? I mean, it has been going on a long time, but that doesn't mean that we just have to get used to it. Every day, I hear it in my high school and, I'm willing to bet everyone's heard it in their school or office, too. People being disrespectful towards other's opinions, appearance, ethnicity, religion, or their personality. The truth is: all these things make us who we are, not in… Continue

Added by ali on May 14, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

to say it.

god is working at all times ppl! to clear you and show you, so dont hide it. god is working with you and works with everyone at all times and has never stopped doing so at any time ever.

"put ur best foot forwards all the time."--family member that passed to the other side.

so you are not the body. you are the essence behind the body.seee the one soul lookin gout, but see ur soul is over and around ur whole body. clear, clean soul. you are a portion of hte holy… Continue

Added by Marie on May 14, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments


So I got a tattoo on April 12, 2008.

I lost my dad at the age of 17(about to be 18).
So to get a memorial tattoo for him is something that helps me.

anyways heres the tattoo

Added by Punkin' on May 8, 2008 at 9:00pm — 8 Comments

A rant about Warped Tour

The one year I am forced to go to Warped Tour, (my friend and I love Cobra Starship and plan on going.) The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus won't be there. I have wanted to see RJA on Warped for goodness knows how long and the only chance I may ever get I can't see them....

Added by theonesuluvrcircled on May 7, 2008 at 8:38pm — 1 Comment

Niagara Falls

Ronnie left the bus early this morning and crossed into Canada with the rest of the guys for some important business stuff. I took a cab a few blocks away to a kinkos so I could ship stickers and briefs to have for the European tour. I ended up riding on the Maid of the Mist tour boat that takes you into the horse shoe of the falls along with the rest of the crew. I captured some pretty awesome photos which I plan on posting shortly...

I am now a fan of Indian Food. Brad talked Nate and me… Continue

Added by Just_A_Face on May 6, 2008 at 2:01am — 5 Comments

Rawr!!!!!!!!! >.<</body>

So it's been a while. Four months plus to be exact. Well, I'm back, and woo...there's nobody to talk to. AH.....CHOO!!!

Added by Felicitously Derelict on May 5, 2008 at 6:56pm — No Comments

so right on.

phew i gotta tell ya once again to read the book, "the new revelations' by neale donald walsch. omg you gotta gotta.

believe in serious being truth in you.

omg this is beautiful.

can you see it? life is beautiful.

this is branching into the amazing way u as god/all that is/life works thru u. i mentioned it towards teh bottom of my last blog. this out of mind/body time. the thing is, it is you! its not a miracle, its you! you are everywhere cuz everything is you.

"there… Continue

Added by Marie on May 2, 2008 at 1:14pm — No Comments








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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