How I Fell In Love With The Site Red Jumpsuit Alliance

Ok so I like really do love this site, and I Hope you guys do too cause it's awesome! Ok so I actually found this site on an accident. I was on google trying to figure out how old Ronnie Winter is and the link that I chose ended up taking me to their myspace page! I was really happy because I found out a lot about Ronnie and the band. I wanted to find out how I could e- mail Ronnie or the band, so I clicked on some links form the myspace page. The link that i clicked on brought me to this page where Ronnie himself said if you guys want to chat with me or something like that. Some that said if you want to ask me questions or whatever hit me up on etc. i was so happy cause now I had a way to talk to Ronnie Winter. I immediately went o the link which brought me to Ronnies profile page here. I wanted to e-mail him right away, but the only way you could do that is if you became a member, so I joined the site, and sent him a friend request. In the mean time while I was waiting for him to reply I quickly customized my page and learned the ropes of this site. I also made some great friends who made me feel very welcome. I also learned how late i was to jioning this site. I think this site was made like 2 or 3 years ago. I saw how many friends people had, and thought wow thats a lot. I also saw how many friends Ronnie, Joey, Matt and Joe had ( which was like over a thousand). But hey they were the band members so of course they were going to have a lot. About three weeks later still no Ronnie. I was beginning to think that I didnt dent the request right, so I went to page and decided to try to send it again. But when I went to hit friend request it said .......... remove as friend. I was a little puzzled at first> Then i realized what it meant and started flipping out, because that meant the Ronnie excepted my friend request!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was supper happy words couldnt explain. So i decided to see who was on, so I couldsee if any of my friends were on to tell them and guess who's name I saw? RONNIE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first I was like " No way is it really him?" Then I started flipping out again because it was the first time i've ever seen him online. I didnt say hi or anything because I was too scared, and I didnt want to seem like one of those crazed fans. So I just sat back and watched the convos going on and watched what Ronnie said. I remember him and Baushi or Vince I think talking about X- box 360 and how he was good at halo, and he said " Well it's too bad you dont have one cause if you did I would smerf your ass." Lol ha, I laughed at that. He also said when we were talking about fast cars " I have a fast car." He told us that he had a Dodge something and some type of Corvette. Sorry im not really that good with names of cars or anything about cars I just think they look good.Anyways, after seeing that he was online and actually talking to people I decided to send him an e- mail. you can read what he said in my other blog. The first one I wrote in the same day he wrote back withing like 10 min! Then I sent him another one and he responded 2 days later. The final one I wrote he responded the next day. Every time I were to get an e- mail from him I would freak out because it's Ronnie Winter man!!!!!! I think it's so cool how this website lets you talk to the band and stuff. I've done a lot on this site. I made friends, posted awesome videos, posted awesome pics, made discussions/ answered to discussions and interacted with the band members. I've seen a lot of cool pics and videos on this site too. I love this website because everyone here is really nice, and really like RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS! It's a place where you can obsess over the band and no one would get annoyed because they're obsessing too!!!! It's also a place to make a lot of cool friends and meet a lot of cool people! You can also get to know the band better, and talk to the band or tell them things that you've been dieing to tell them. If you have a friend who love RJA tell them to join this site cause it's the perfect place to be a fan of RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on August 2, 2009 at 6:33pm
LOL I do like the site =] lol smarf lol nice =]
Comment by Megan Taylor on July 4, 2009 at 12:19pm
smerf your ass--hahahahahhaha lmao








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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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