Hey what's up! I dont know about you guys, but I a absolutely in lone wit this band RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS!!!! The very first time I ever heard of this band was in Nov. or Dec. I was at my friends house and we were listening to her Ipod and the songs Your Guardian Angel and Justify, two of my fav. songs by them, came on. I didnt really like it at first because of the heavy metal, but after listening to it for a while I realized that this song was kinda catchy. When I got home I immediately went on youtube and listened to the songs over and over again. I really liked them, but I wasnt that into them( not at the time at least). Then we had another sleepover about a week later, and she introduced me to the song Waiting which I automatically loved with ll my heart. I did the same thing and listened to those three songs over and over again. Then my other friend introduced me to the song 17 anit so sweet, but i wasnt that into it ( still not ). So I went on youtube and decided to listen to other songs by them and realized that they sung songs that I heard on the radio a long time ago( those songs were Face Down and Dam Regret). So after listening to there whole album, Dont You Fake It, on youtube I realized it was official....... I LOVE THIS BAND! RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS quickly made it's way to the top of my charts. For a while their songs were the only songs I would listen to, and every time someone would ask me what song do you want to listen to I would be like do you have RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS. Then after being bored on the internet in the last week of April I went on youtube and noticed that the dates on the videos that I was listening to were dated in 2008 2007 some even 2006. So I was thinking wow they must not be that much of a popular band ( boy was I wrong). So went on google and typed in he most childish thing tickets for concerts because to me if you have a lot of bands then you must be on tour or going on tour right. So the link that I clicked on to ended up taking me to TICKET MASTER. Where I found out that RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS was coming to VA! I was supper excited , I would've gone to the one in DC because I live in MD., but come to find they were sold out in like a week. Anyways me and two best friends, who are also RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS fans and are the friends who introduced me this band, quickly decided we were going to this concert. After two weeks of planning we were finally able to say YES! We're going to RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS! We were super excited, and who wouldnt be this is THE RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS we're talking about man! So finally on May 15, 2009 me and my friends are able to leave school early to drive to the concert. So after driving in a van for 5 hours we finally make it to the concert which took place at THE NORVA IN NORFOLK, VA we were so pumped. We wait through two opening act before we got to see the super amazing awesomely talented RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The concert was unbelievably amazing. Me and my friends got great places. It was one of those concerts where you could either stand or sit, and of course me and friends stood. We were able to be in the fourth row, which sounds better than you think. I was able to get some great pics and videos. RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS played all the songs that I wanted them to. All except WAITING and JUSTIFY, but that's ok they made up for it by opening the show with False Pretense! The concert was super loud and the light effects were awesome. The band sounded great RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS did a good job that night, and I think that it's nice to know that at least one person enjoyed themselves that night. After the performance I was able to buy a t- shirt, the one with the guy wearing a gas mask carrying an angel and it's all yellow and orange in the back, their new cd, which is awesome and a poster that has the same design on the shirt all for 26 bucks. I dont know about you but that's a good deal to me. I ended the night meeting the fabulous gorgeous amazing talented RONNIE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!! He was so nice and down to earth it was like talking to one of my friends, except none of my friends are that hot or make me nervous or star struck. Surprisingly I was able to talk to him. I walk up to him with my cd case open expecting him to just sign and move on, so I kinda shove it in his face. To my suprise he sticks his hand over the cd case for me to shake and I say to myself of course he's going to shake your hand that's so rude of me Mari your so stupid. So i shake his hand, which were very soft, and then he says while signing my cd and poster " Hi how are you?" And I say " I'm good." And then he says " Did you enjoy the concert?" And I say " Yeah it was awesome!" And he asks " What was your favorite song?" And I say " False Pretense. " And he's like " Oh really we opened the show with that song you must have been jammin' out!" And I blush and say " Yeah" Then after he finishes signing my poster and cd I ask him if he could take a picture with me. He says " Oh yeah sure!" So I get next to him, realizing that im touching his awesome soft hair, and put my hand on his upper back( he was sweaty but it was ok) And he puts his hand on my upper back, and he makes a peace sign with is fingers, which I thought was hot. And we both smile and take the picture. I say to him " Thank you so much!" And he says " Oh no problem. I hope you enjoyed the show." And I say " Yeah it was great!" And leave. The picture turned out amazing and is now my profile pic and wall paper for many things. This was my very first concert and it was defiantly and amazing first time. I hope so happy that my first concert was a RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS concert cause it was great. Ever since the concert I have completely obsessed with RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS!

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Comment by you. on June 25, 2011 at 11:18pm








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