you cant be anyother way but being.

or you cant be anything else but urself..uve heard that before.

so heres the thing i talk about being and beingness.ya so its really the you instilled in you already.

its living in the moment---->EACH MOMENT with god.

"your like a good book i cant put down." --christ

now this drawn out paragraph i am going to type is from last night. see i had an awakening last night about my true reality and about true life, and your trueness and basically about ReALITY. so i think my guides wanted me to just keep writing and writing so that it came across as really freaking important, because it basically is the definition of life: so if it is repetitive or whatev just realize that thisis the breakthru of life and it is major:
our true self. with god. our true only self. our true self. its truly self. its our soul. its us-who we are supposed to be-who we are. our true self. our true self. our real being. we arent supposed to be how we are now/which ill argue like this was gift..our true being, way of geing is this, this is how. FREE ReALL ALL UNDONE. FREE-ALL. this is who we are. what we are all about. this is it baby jane. this is who we are. theres no other way. this is is. this is who we are supposed to be. cant you claim it? this is gods undertaking. (but i could go on with ohh god...but god doesnt "need"-one of the illusions, check back to past blogs-no need for anything) i am sky. this is alive, this is how we are truly are. be. heart. this is truly what we are. can you see now? truly with god working like under it all. like in different ethers, but right with you cuz ur wil and gods isthe same..but RIGHT HERE NOW. this is how it is. thisis what life is all about. this is how we are supposed to be. this is how it is. this is life. thisis how we are supposed to be-this is what we ARE. this is truly life-living and all else is not even real. omg! abundance of love to work with all the time! omg god provides al this love to be with at all times. i cant stop talking about how great the world/god/love is!

you've been influenced by "_______whatever" like you what what you were getting into. america and all.

peace and god is there. peace---->gt;know god is there.

so when you live you live each second and you feel the thrill in everything. its all fun, versus just fun if say you win, match etc..say if i was excersizing or whatev and if i am feeling the moment and not thinking ug this is right, wrong..i just am. theres no win/gain in the real world its perfect and ppl have mastered this with their years of life.

whats the worth of working to get an "end" met. its all gonna work out in the end.
its how now you want to live-if you want total happiness god and you have the same will. so its already yours.
its working out for you in the better (means) in the full force long run. to know. here this-being is simplified, mastermind
this is all gonna be worked out just finecuz uve got the spirit with you.

life is beautiful. this life. what you put into it u succeed at getting back. see god works that way.

the power of ur hand to exert your willpower (and gods cuz urs and gods willis the same) to others.

u are prepared for everyhting htat is gonna be in context you cant just be"____" whatev. see god told me that i cant just be this certain way. i gotta be active.

i thank god

there is a god so much more. all

ha! to put it in words. so yeah see going off of the course of miracles exercise i am STILL on(see last blog or two) and the emissaries booklet i have the step im on.(LOL you dont need steps, you can be right now, you dontneed steps seeeee) the page im reading is love tho and its the end of the 7 week thing ive been doing, anyways, thats freeing, so yeah love--->and my heart and life i see that we are whole when love. SEE IT CANT REALLY BE PUT INTO WORDS. these items around me are disintegrating-they are all surrounded by a universe of love, so treat them, ur heart and fellow ppl right and real.(They are deeper the items and etc..the deepr deepness issue here is that love exists in crazy forms-its only you first of al...and second its all aruond you and yeah)
lol write to The Emissaries 5569 n. county road 29, loveland, colorado 80538 usa, and request a free copy of the booklet, "seven steps to the temple of light." kinda qimmicky, i mean they have a store too with gimmicky items like candles(which you dont even need, but stuff to form ambience i guess) and i worked with a woman at my last convention that worked at the emissaries store!! lol in colorado cuz her son lives there, but yeah small ///crazy world!!!! PLUS i got a hold of this book by reading hte outstanding book, "The Emissaries" available at a library. truly rad.

more on the same....: and yuoull notice that everything around you is moving/not in the sense that it is like jumping out at you in freakish movement in your face, BUT FOR YOU. this is the secret.
this is the excersize from a course that ive been talking about the phrase.."my thought is an image i made." dont get bogged down by these so called thoughts! its not reality. believe ther is god thoughts..YOUR TRUE IDENTIY!!! so much more then those thoughts. see all that is in this room, etc is energy, use it.

i love fabrics.llolll thats like a whole story in itself., ill tell ya if you ask.

this is crazzzy-if your looking for some whereto look id suggest looking perfectly simple and paradoxically for love.

who says? u or god. now ur beginning to see......welli could elaborate on that perfect meaning ego.the course has a great peaceful explanation of ego.
also got another day, is that you or god walking?

when i was drifting off last night i got the beautiful feelings and thoughts ahhhh it was so peaaaace, i am the door, window(nt really meaning here like in my room or somthing but higher), heaven. ah!! it felt so good!!

ah i nice thought about life...somtimess i dont really publish all the thoughts, ask ill tell ya tho.

god is giving you all of this, god is working in you. gives us all of these tools-lk to communicate with ppl who passed or with higher powers. OR LIFE ITSELF HOLY CRAP ITS INCREDIBLE -on this plane.but yeah he gives us those so we can be whole, full(and this is what god does by giving us life to be whole herself) to be ourselves, find ourselves (even tho we already are with each minute))--->gt;MORE THEN ALL THAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT IT HELPS US

see your entire life youve had all these god blessings and its gotten u here so uyeah like now u can know whose been providing(but c u and god and life are the same....) and you can communicate with holy spirit, guides, god her/himself. to move urself and us to working with the energy. so you are now a part of it. active. ITS BEAUTIFUL I JUST WANT TO STRESS THAT THIS IS YOU IN YOUR ENTIRETY HOW YOU ARE BUILT TO BE AND WHAT YOU ARE.

you are not creating berries, you are those berrier. lolllll.

i had a talk witha guy in my apt./ in the country he used to live in he would go out to the nature-forest-mountain and hug this large rock or rocks . this can be found in air/water. he opened up to a huge huge truth.


bantering,,junk out of your being. doesnt exist. so floating in mid air and thats how you feel.

any amount. thats what we try to infuse.

! A SPARK. is all it takes.

i could taste it--lol i had an awes dream. lolll oh man i had another rad dream i hadnt had in like YEARS...ill fill you in ifyou message me....i fun trick you can do is just ask b4 u sleep to be taken to a dream where you will get facts about the spiritual path you are on.

AHHH!! i remem doing a chant of hare krishna...its in another blog and i felt like i was levitating.

theres nothing i lack....etc etc///LOL!

god makes u so alive!!!! "im so alive!!!!" why dont the rock bands sing that?

theres no reason to be scared, god talks to you in ur own language. god creates ur entire TRUE you seeeeee??????

ah great words from a friend of mine that went/passed to another realm. message me ill tell ya!

you want sense. just explain yourself how u r being and let gods wings work. mission happens. turst in her/him.

this is in you-new possibilities in everyone but we are individuals also in soul-yet never nt make decision. ok so ill take it up with my soul. ill love my love like love loves itself. who are you being. clean, clear. emissaries say let go of physical blocks having released all in perfect selflessness-being. it matters not to me, they are all beautiful in god. <----no insufficiency. no irritation cuz you are in the moment. no suffereing cuz you take it all as priveleg of service, sacrifice none cuz you are not attached, you dwell in all.

its in who u are. being, no fear to "____".

its like assigning you freedom.

gives you confidence so you can be ur being, bold true self. LOVE/GOD/YOU IS ALL SIDES OF THE SPECTRUM.SEEE. i am finally who ive always ,my true being.

well look at us, finally singing.

like i felt like i could fly(its a natural feeling u get when ur elated)--and its a natural feeling for us as humans i got from some source that thats what we want to do..lollll) but YEAH WE WANT TO FEEL NATURAL AND NATURAL IS ALL WE AREEEEE SOOO YEAH NATURAL.... but yeah i felt that way when i was doing like yoga and thinkin bout yoga. like i had the sensation that i could do the upside down like with ur feet on the wall(flying sorta) yoga position..or rest my body all on my hands like in a frog kinda position....but see it was so here and now real cuz i was doing yoga. so i tapped into a yoga uber sense. awesome.

i am as i am is peace and radiance so its all non collided it just is.

self realization, knowing, wakingup.

ppl living in shells that they think they are not. true. god says this is one of the cwg books, "i can see how much fun(non fake exist) POOF! u r getting from it." say like a negative concept... its not true.

energy-the air interacts with u molucularly. gods at all times and forms.

theories in tempo.

live as sky.

transcend it, over being.

no source but one within-its truly all.

absolute awareness of presense of wonderful one here in expression being with all everythin gis inner or god centered expanding. he gives us our strenth and evey peice ever wanted. use her guides. il guide ways. all are already in order. all is now. available.

ex from buddha book, "hole is roof equals a leak. leak of hostile thoughts to untrained mind."
do not dwell on those thoughts and you will be free. just be yourself and the thoughts will come. a course in miracles helps me too.

there is no death, so be happy! ahha!!

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