This was brought on by a discussion we had in my history class today...
Why are people so intolerant of others? I mean, it has been going on a long time, but that doesn't mean that we just have to get used to it. Every day, I hear it in my high school and, I'm willing to bet everyone's heard it in their school or office, too. People being disrespectful towards other's opinions, appearance, ethnicity, religion, or their personality. The truth is: all these things make us who we are, not in a "good way" or a "bad way", but simply in "our own way". I am a pretty versatile person about the kinds of people I hang out with, music, and the way I dress. Most people who know me know that is who I am. I don't have a lot of trouble socially doing this, but some people that I associate with are intolerable about the other kinds of people I hang out with. Anyway, I believe intolerance is brought on by someone needing to feel safe with people they think are like them. Truth is, 99% of all people's genetic makeup is identical. So, next time the thought comes to tease someone or call them a racial slur, remember that we truly are not all that different on the outside. I wish people would stop talking to me about how they hate Mexicans, African-Americans, goths, preps, or any other ethnicity or stereotype; i do not want to hear negative things that shouldn't be said in the first place. So there.... I am not an agressive person, i just feel very strongly about this.

ALI ( :

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