god is working at all times ppl! to clear you and show you, so dont hide it. god is working with you and works with everyone at all times and has never stopped doing so at any time ever.

"put ur best foot forwards all the time."--family member that passed to the other side.

so you are not the body. you are the essence behind the body.seee the one soul lookin gout, but see ur soul is over and around ur whole body. clear, clean soul. you are a portion of hte holy spirit and he/she wants to know itself experientaly.

the second sight.

check out the book , "a course in miracles"

so its basically all in u, and its peace. and its being able to be ur self. its gods self. entirely. you are eternal.

entire peace-god gives me constantly. ur welcome. your welcoming it. thank you. you know its there so you welcome it.

from eckart tolle, something about how any words make it seem all so crazy and fab..lol which it is, but all it is IS SIMPLY YOU.

from eckart tolle, " b within the stillness so you sense urself as the still space. ur essence, is there ur true id. just cuz u call a thing a table u think it is-its deeper, moving. use this for all things.

please please please feel free to be yourself-god---seriously.

see its just ur true inner peace. thats it. but see its joyous cuz u are finally free thanks to everything god is.

see its finding pure enjoyment from moving ur arm-a loving sensation. Thats all.

from omg i have like 10 examples of times in the past week or so where things were monumental beautiful marks of god and myself, such as an arm movement. no joke, ill list them later. simple gliding of the pen on paper, in hand.(pure feeling, feel enjoy.feel realize the world is part of you--when i heard the sounds coming frm outside my window) see what if this could b for everything omg yay! well it could be....

you think u can impress with "whatever it is". how do you explain that rush of feeli great energy-pulsating-prick-molecules in ur legs when u had that bit of enthusiasm. how do u explain that wonderous feeling? yeah id say so, its god.

i can feel god all aroudn me. the heavens align. watched the squirrel, all beauty-saw everything in its beauty. saw all in its beauty. when i was walking outside.

it happens all the time like seeing land the morning after a storm-its all damp and gorgeous, then knewly growing grass is so thin and gorgeous. the birds i watch, communicate with children when theyar around or just to see a child interacting with life. its sweet. all and everything you see is beauty. in ppl, and communication in just being.

like this one day i was walkin and yea i think i was driftin but yea i got back in tune cuz i saw a baby and like communicated with it. it ws the cutest interationc, . it showed me a lot of things.....i wont list it all.bless them. and soon after i saw a bird and it also brought me the peace back i asked the lord for(i didnt really ask, he/she provides!!!! and the bird walked thru a bush /its territory nd it knew how to walk under the branches with out a fail or scratch,

this is kinda related i guess. deja vus!!!!! they are freaking crazy!! and real but like freeeeeaky! they are so crazy when they feel uber real. i heard from some source these lives we are in a lot of the time we find ourselves in the same situations...... but yea the deja vus...idk if they were real or whaaaa

notice the moment the beauty-existence..its all-in each moment u get these and each time.

see the wisdome is everyone.

you, you are it. thats god rythm.

is that how it is? well u c clearer now. knowledge.

exhausted all the elements of intrusions-now all u r being is singular. clean, clear. which u always are and have been.

i am. this surely is. you, you are it.

thats god rythm.

everything is beautiful.

kindness in every heart. is every heart.

if i either started off with a hue or a meditation, whatev...i got beautiful images coming to me when i closed my eyes. LOVE!

i feel like i have so much wisdom. like im an old guru. or a wisdom filled elder. thats where ur past lives come in..get it?

any fun/meaningful/....etc (ha, words.) thing in ur life. its god. the essence behind all is you and gods way. and anything else its written off(ah ..worrrrds), cant have meaning, is non existent.

everything is beautiful.

all is in us.

look up the phrase/term "gestalt" on google or library. its where you get a full view-image and words.., expanded yet true vision..illuminated, is YOU ONLy, clear and conscious--(HAA WORds...)

from one who has went to another realm.."i am free, feeling. existing above relativism."

i am as i am, peace and radiance so its all non collided. it just is.

ppl can really realize the wonderfulness of themselves and life because those are the same. god space.

see the fabulous one in each.

god centered and only only only that .its u.

you dont want to be/feel any other way. once you re realize your true identity,god and know the ohter way feels right and is right and is you.

im pretty much an elated being of joy. encompasser of all WAYS. love gods qualities, WAYS-use those and live by those,.....the thing is ppl IT IS ALL YOU ARE AND THIS IS ALL ALL AL YOU AREEE!!!!!!!!!!!

god centered reality.

already has given so start!! god will give me the esesence to go behind all so i get a lot of great energy. energy at every level and energy belongs to youuuuuuuu. thats feeling. god will always give you the right energy. centered. you are not /that thing/you are being.

no require-u r.

no fulfill-u are being. fulfill to get there

you are here able to communicate (not just notice..etc) the beings u r helping. all ways-channels.

no fear-who cares.what ne one requires. you are calm, magnificant, no labels, beingness. being with love in the present moment is you is it. is you you you you you.

its like water.

imagine a beautiful love/world. now make it urs. god will give you the imagining content and you will live it all the time.

so yeah do you think he/she made it any lower then what it is? so here you are.

so the qualities i live for are like ..its hard to explain the qualities you would want to be peace. like the values that are so. the values that only constitute a life of matter. the values..the values ...ah i cant explain it. its just great qualities and thats what i live by:

more......whole qualities of ur whole character.

so i was explaining in another blog about the chest thang...wellfull upper body..and inner. words cant explain it,nor could me explaining it, but YOU ARE BUILT TO EXPERIENCE THIS. so i was talking about chest and all..go back and read it..but yeah this whole qualities and values i live by are not body..they are INNER.

like you are one with everything see, its one with all energy, energy you work with.like it comes in ways that you areeeee...its internal, it goes beyond like any form of form. its formless. its feeling and energy working within you and it becomes you..describes you. it forms you. but see it works like in the crazy ethers /feelings/inner workingssss, its within u it is you.

i feel free now, like i have all the qualities that make an active person.

i got a thought about god and why we all just dont see it right away. i think its a nice view, i dont think its entirely the entirety but take it as you will: ppl would box it up (at the same time boxed in-describes like an item in a box, nothng is boxed) and say oh here it is, there would be no fantatstic souls/owning/foundry and thats the beauty of it. we all can and should....etc etc get it , so there is no way that is better, wil be better(this is a perfect explanation of what god and neal donald walsch say in their books..perfect explanation of how no way is better then other and we are all equal. special? nah you all got it.
..to see..not all at once(like a huge signall the time-even tho it is) (even tho it already is-the brilliance of our miraculous world) because god wants us to be ready(and we are learning each day-maybe may take many million years.or 2 sentences)we have free will as a gift to see how others are and how miraculous we are.life/we/you/are.

stay stationed it it. i can.

so ive been reading 'a course in miracles' and i am paraphrasing what i read(which is what we are..trust me, read it) "you are perfect so all things are possible. so every instant is uber power. time doesnt do much..it can tho..all and all..but kindness goes beyond that time interval."

an explanation of anger:you want to live purposely always -thats why you look to anger to get ur way.(stop painbody b4 its starts--read eckhart tolle books to find out what ur pain body is..or ill type it later on). no hatred for urself, yourself is god. thats not self hatred, thats self realization and knowing. ur thoughts not events lead to anger. its not who you r-its makes u feel upset or uptight and at the same time it heals cuz you can be undone. opens ur spirt. see only spirit.

i am the one listens to the lord with all my eyes.

putting someone down is like them being in a street and literally being hit by a car.

theres only one way, see so you cant be any other way, only this love. only only.

so- u r love.

wisdom-so its no one else but you.

perfect trust in the lord.

instant-present now.

dont id with anything other then spirit. its joy, its you feeling. joyful, pure love. send it to all (you) know.

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