so yeah im pumped about life and about this blog and i really do want this all to come out in the raddest way. so yea i recommend the book, "the disappearance of the universe" by gary renard. i was readin it the other day. ive read parts of it b4 like a while ago, never really rememberd it, but thought it was rad cuz its similiar to the books that started it all for me. the 'conversations with god' books that are in conversation form, real neat to read. just neale talking then god...and in this book its gary talking then these two messengers that come and talk to him. i got this book reference from a man at a cwg book club who also introduced me to 'a course in miracles'. by the waaaay in 'disapearance of the universe' the messengers quote word for word 'a course in miracles' content/concepts a whoooole lotta times.... BEFORE reading the disapearance book the other day.. ...lets see i got a message from this woman at the church of spirituality...and i was aiming to work on that message she gave me -it was just about PEACE...and so reading this part of the book by gary really gave me another tool to be that peace. see this is really what it is. IT IS REALLY JUST BEING. AND BEING REAL. SO IT JUST BROUGHT ME MORE TO BEING. so anywho i want to tell you that the night before i went to borders to page thru that book i got a few messages just in my head you know and i wrote them down and the messages are JUST ABOUT THE SAME RAD MESSAGES I READ IN THE DISSAPEarance book. They were like the same. point blank. they told me a bit more about the topic i guess. but yea so ill write to you first what messages i jotted(given i jotted them down.i mean word for word there might be a few words out but yeah ill write part of the message i got NOW:
Spiritual meaning can come from anything-not just like yoga or meditation.(even tho im grateful for these-my add lib right now as im writing..this all comes from just my life. i had thoughts about this stuff.and the divine essence so wholely gave me knowledge to like mesh with my my life idk its crazy so going on) it can be from (now im illustrating) anything from walking to brush teeth and all else in ther-in between. its about realizing the spiritual god blessed component of each thing. it all can (and will,hello) bring you peace. that yoga, etc brings peace but what if you arrive at peace by yodeling off of a rooftop every morn at 6 am? who knows. .((((((((ADD LIB SECTIONi am adding lib now as i am writing this-and this is fabulous because i am writing this like a day or two after this and 2 full days after living this and all i want to say is that its seeing GOD-and i cant explain God to you. if even you want to say God. its seeing LIFE in every bleeding second. and you might be seeing "dual"-gary renards messenger. and thats ur step you are on. but to see and BRIGHTNESS in everything-that is what lIFE IS.ADD LIB SECTION))))))))))... i do want to stress that seeing the peace in everything is who you ARE and so dont you think it urs?? and you want to incorporate that spiritual(BEING -IS WHO YOU ARE) is existence, all you is-are. as much as you can. THATS All u r tho ...but um THAt is the fullfilling -full part and i am. myself. and what else do you claim to be> joe bob from eve avenue? NO---YOU!!!!

To be here without God(or if you say divine essence or if you say life, or "if you dont say one of these to anyone and its u and the holy spirits secret" which is great and fine!-messenger from 'dissapearance of universe") means being here -well you are thinking I'm being here-with out soul. that is impossible. since you are soul. so its all perfectly set.*

note that star there cuz there are a few notes i took soon after and they are related, yes, but i want to stress the EXACT SAME MESSEGE I READ IN "THE DISSAPEARANCE OF THE UNIVERSE" the next day at the book store. here that is:
you cant spiritualize anything that is not spirit, which means you cant really spiritualize anything in the universe of form * note the star im gonna add some paraphrased other pieces from the book later. to explain it, i mean this is a quoted piece from the content ..but even it in itself is very very valuable, fully and readily readible, happily done so by you! lol. The truly spiritual is only outside of it. that is where you belong and will eventually return.* so they are saying that you can work the spiritual into this world, no doubt you know. they are saying that where you belong you know is a note of eternal life and that whole bit..they are saying and here i am as a real person here telling you that this is true because i live it , and it is true to you because IT IS WHO YOU AREEEEEE. is that the spiritual light the light of the life and life that is not "dual" so one way or the other. it is the only way. it is living. and this is so hilarious because i am explaining how great life is and thats it, its the word "life." like eckarht tolle says its like ppl put all this SHAZAMMEE behind it, when its pure bliss life. and i will tell you that the essence behind it, is what is it.

so now im going to add a few pieces from gary renards book, "the dissapearance of the universe" that is great ..truth and life-follow his/her example, not his/her body. these next few lines are very much related to the typing from above..the long typing.. ur way of seeing and attitude you maintain in engaging in any action does matter. the ways of the world-whateverr . . the stuff..they dont have to be good enough for you. wher as they are for others.etc.

so what you do for you you give to others.

experience the completeness of joy. all the little things that go along wiht being a soul in a body. lol i think that note goes further, and think about, dwell on it, the words become real to you ..but i was journaling that and after i wrote, well as i was writing it came i was like , "right on, beautiful, rock in"- SO IF YOU HERE ME TALK YOU KNOW THAT YEAH I USE THOSE WORDS IN TOTAL AGREEMENT WITH SOMETHING RAD-lol ANOTHER ONE. Love.

so when reading the messengers in "the dissaperance" the messengers like expand on what i got i guess. its all meshed anyways. everything great.

so now im going to write to you a few pieces a got i think a day or two earlier then all of this. the thing is with this i got these words but see they came as feelings too, immaculate feelings(and i got this feeling a few times today and one last night when it came out of the eyes of the lord)...
Every second is a gem. thats what hes trying IS saying.

Passionate life living . a lot of it. meaning that thats what ur life is. and thats how like the soul swells and works like out of you.. idk its like ur soul-self-happiness ALL that you are, sincere, all all all is you and passionately works out of you thru ur tool as a body/soul.

well yeah, all should be.

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