Ronnie left the bus early this morning and crossed into Canada with the rest of the guys for some important business stuff. I took a cab a few blocks away to a kinkos so I could ship stickers and briefs to have for the European tour. I ended up riding on the Maid of the Mist tour boat that takes you into the horse shoe of the falls along with the rest of the crew. I captured some pretty awesome photos which I plan on posting shortly...
I am now a fan of Indian Food. Brad talked Nate and me into going across the street from where our bus is parked to eat at a small Indian restaurant after a brief stint at the Seneca Casino.
I found out earlier we wont be meeting up with the guys until tomorrow - then there's just one last show to tie up the unplugged and unaffected tour.
I am super conscious of the upcoming Mother's Day. I couldn't live with myself if I forgot it.

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Comment by Marie on July 19, 2008 at 2:43pm
i ate at an indian restaurant about a month ago, first time!! you dont use forks and stuff!! did you do that? it was rad. yum! and some of the like food dishes were so good! you use like that spongy bread to pik up food!
Comment by Milza on May 8, 2008 at 4:07pm
Indian food rocks. Vegetarian cuisine WITH flavor...Wow!
Comment by Tisha on May 8, 2008 at 10:28am
I could never get tired of looking at Niagara Falls--the sheer immensity of it. And I love the Maid of the Mist--so glad you got to experience that. Funny picture Will drew after we took him in 3rd grade is still hanging in our family room: a blue wall, a few rocks at the bottom and a tiny Maid of the Mist bobbing in the water below the water wall. The picture is titled: Ocean Canada Alarm :D
Comment by Samantha-Lynn on May 7, 2008 at 12:16am
yay! canada! haha








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