Nikkay :]
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Never visits a doctor who's office plants have died.

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About Me:
YO! I'm Nikkay. Or, simple Nikky. Whatever. Anyways. Yo, I am a freshie at LGHS. Yup. It's in Florida. Homestate of RJA. Bahaha. be jelly. :]

Anyways. I play guitar. I can't rock out like Duke like I want to, but I'm trying. lol. I LOVE street racing and paintball. I'm a down-to-earth girl who wants to have fun whenever it hits. Theme parks are the best places for fun! :D I don't try to be cool. I try to be myself. And that, isn't really that hard. Lol.

Yha, I am single now in the month of January '09 and I haven't had a boyfriend scince August '08. Pretty sad, huh? Yha, I thought so too. I am not really into guys as much girls are. I use to be, but I guess they sort have faded away. Too many of them have screwed me over. So, I just don't deal with them. Brandon (My last boyfriend) was the last one. I am not saying I will be single forever, I just don't think there is anyone special.. Oh well. :)

I hate hipocriates....or however you spell it. It's basically what I am saying in my blog "Fake Friends." Many people need to realize that other people have mouths and they won't always stay shut. Also, people who have stabbed you in the back once, will stabb you in the back again.

People never change. That's my philosphy. Just like a leopard and it's spots. They never change. When people say they have changed, they really haven't. Some people may have,but deep inside, they really haven't. There are alot of good actors in the world. And fake people are the few. When you go to bed at night - you are a certain person. And that person is probably the person who you have always been.

I am obsessed with Superheroes. I don't know why. I guess they are my hobby. Most people like Batman or Superman, but they really aren't all that great, I mean..Batman can't even fly as far as I know of. If anything...My favorite is Spider-
Man. Admit it. You know he's hot. xD

I watch wrestling. I know it's fake, but it's funny as hell. You know it is. Ya, there's drama in it, but if there wasn't, it would be boring. Well, I take that back becuase the hot guys make in interesting. xD my favorite wrestlers are: Randy Orton, Edge, Cody Rhodes, Cm Punk and Jeff Jardy. I don't really care about the Divas because they care more about showing off thier boobs then wrestling. x| So ya. Judge me all you want, but I think wrestling is alright. UFC is better than WWE though. :) (P.S. I would so bang Randy Orton) xD

So yha. There is a little about me. Want more? Ask! :]

Nikkay :]'s Blog


Posted on January 30, 2009 at 8:57am 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered why your bestfriend is being a total bitch to you for no reason?

I need another opinion. My bestfriend, Crowell (her last name), was talking to this guy named Wiker (also last name.) So, Her and Wiker were talking about going out and whatnot. But after a couple of days, they decided not to becuase of stupid reason I can't remember. But anyways, Crowell has decided to move on and try to start dating a guy named McCabe. Well McCabe wants to ask her out but… Continue

A story I am working on. What do you think?

Posted on January 25, 2009 at 3:18pm 1 Comment

8:45 a.m. and Hayley Hunicut had just arrived to the New York police station.

"Good morning," greeted Cindy, the secretary at the front desk. Hayley mumbled in return. "Sounds like someone is in a chipper mood this morning." Cindy added. "Get up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"I didn't have my Monster this morning." Hayley groaned as she propped her arms up onto Cindy's mahogany desk. Cindy shook her blonde hair around her face as she looked confused.

"Where's Cole?"

Hayley… Continue

Warning! N00bs are taking over! D:

Posted on January 22, 2009 at 9:21am 5 Comments

Not really. But once again I am in web design class. And we're just sitting here. Doin' nuthin. Anyhoe, I just got some recent and disturbing news from a friend of mine.

I hate to complain, but this really bothers me and I want someone's opinion.

So, there is this guy at school and I think he is uberly cute. But I have never really met him and I decided to try and start talking to him with a friends help. At lunch (when I wasn't there), my friend started talking to .. let's call… Continue

|:] <-- uno brow

Posted on January 13, 2009 at 9:03am 1 Comment

So anyhoe, im bored in my web desgin class.I just wanted to send a message to all of you guys out there who are single.

when a girl asks you out, ANSWER HER. It's a simple question and it deserves a simple answer. "yes" or "No". None of this "I'll think about it" bitchfuck. Just answer the question. Don't keep the girl waiting.

And girls, do that same thing when a guy asks you, don't leave him hanging. He will go insane if you don't asnwer him.

Also, guys. When… Continue

Whenever I......

Posted on June 3, 2008 at 9:27am 1 Comment

I know I shouldn't do this and (THIS SHOULD BE A SIN) but when people confront me about things that i haven't done, it bothers me. And in thier minds, I am the bad guy who doesn't tell the truth. But I am a very truthful person. Just today, I had a girl come up to me. I had never had a problem with her. But now she has a problem with ME. Apparently i was talking about someone who i don't even know. It's the last day of school and everyone wants to start drama. She approached me. She said I was… Continue

Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 10:26am on October 2, 2008, Jay said…
hows it going?
At 10:47am on January 16, 2008, hirock said…
hey! thanks add me! your really very pic!
anyway how are yoou?
At 12:55am on January 6, 2008, Kelly said…
you're welcome =]

I have had shitty friends too and from my experience, keeping them around wont make them change. No matter how hard you can't change people. =[
At 9:01pm on January 5, 2008, joshua said…
lol hii :P
umm good actuly u :P
do u havean myspace :P ??
At 10:03am on January 5, 2008, Adamface! said…
haha, i'm good.

So, what kind of stuff do you like?
At 9:38am on January 5, 2008, Adamface! said…

How are you? =)
At 8:33pm on January 4, 2008, Steven said…
my favorites r face down,false pretense,and your guardian angel
At 8:16pm on January 4, 2008, Steven said…
so nikki what's your favorite rja song?
At 8:05pm on January 4, 2008, Steven said…
At 8:03pm on January 4, 2008, Edith said…
good, i guess, i got 2 go now, talk to you later!








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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