ope you all hav the night of your life!
Added by Lou on October 31, 2009 at 12:00am —
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Added by hAYden. on October 27, 2009 at 2:28pm —
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wow i'm really glad rja is rerecording their old stuff, but i've had the ep Love Seat is off for a while now.
Added by Ava on October 23, 2009 at 10:09pm —
1 Comment
story nr. 1
Scary (short)story
for children
( it's not scary )
btw it almost made some of the girls in my class cry !
Once upon a time there was a boy. and his name was Kevin. he was born on May 13th and was the first born to his parents. they loved him very much. when Kevin was only 7 years old he fell down from a high rise and died. his parents were devastated and did not find much joy in their life after that. But then, 5 years after Kevin's death, they had…
Added by Sóley Riedel on October 22, 2009 at 9:54pm —
1 Comment
heres the link to my new music channel... it is brand new so it is still going through profile editing.. editing will be done soon.. but add it
thanks hope to see you on my Music myspace
Added by Andrew on October 21, 2009 at 10:18pm —
1 Comment
Hey Everyone I'm Andrew
Heres the link to my youtube channel. check it out . watch my videos, comment and rate them, tell me what you think.ALSO i do take requests on songs that you would like me to play so just message me on my youtube channel of the song you would like me to play and i will see what i can do,, add me as a friend if you would like,,,
Thanks everyone i greatly appreciate everyone who checks out my channel
Added by Andrew on October 21, 2009 at 4:36pm —
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(chorus)i'm liven' in a fairy tale
were every one wears black
in a fairy tale, were no one can go back
were we croud 'round a wooden box
and through rosess on top
death is soo hard, death is soo hard DEATH IS SO HARD BUT LIFE IS HARDER!!!
death is like a fairy tale, like a vision
i dont eeven know the days descpion!
all my senes are dead, all my senes are, dead
this light is blineding me
oh, it's just…
Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 21, 2009 at 2:03pm —
Hey everyone I'm Andrew
here's the link to my youtube channel... check it out watch my videos comment and rate them. add me as a friend if you would like... tell me what you think ...ALSO i do take requests on songs to be played... message me tell me what you would like me to play and i will see what i can do..
Added by Andrew on October 21, 2009 at 12:21am —
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Okay so ive liked this one guy for four years and have been in love with him for three years. last year we started talking and then he broke my heart.
now my 'friend' is talking to him and basically stalking him and she's just outa control with it and whenever im around with him she tells me to shut up or leave.
do you think this is a good/ decent person?
Added by hAYden. on October 15, 2009 at 5:21pm —
You can use your RJA log in stuff bcuz there both ning's!!!
xoxo, hay :)
Added by hAYden. on October 14, 2009 at 4:52pm —
1 Comment
Halloweens just round the corner people! Whats everyone up to and/or dressing up as? myself a party with some friends and ill probs dress as a zomibe (obssesed with zombies)
Well hope you all hav fun in whatever you do. even if its stayin in wtchin a scaryfilm.
Live everyday like its you last and make your last day count-Lou
Added by Lou on October 9, 2009 at 4:19pm —
Hey!! Right now I'm in Computer Class, 6th period. Up next is Science, 7th period. It will be dreadful because we have the world's WORST teacher ever.
Please help me.....well, just moved back in with my mom. so yupp back up online!!
FaceBook me or MySpace me or tweet me if ya want :)
It feels good to be back on the Alliance....and for good :)
I love you all so much and you all are the best friends I could ever wish for :)
Have a great day and…
Added by hAYden. on October 9, 2009 at 1:34pm —
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okay so i go to a private school and once a month we have jeans days. here are some options tell me what u think i should wear...
1. JEANS----
red jeans
skinny jeans
black jeans
2. SHOES---
black converse
blue & white high top converse
3. SHIRTS---
no doubt
green day
marshall football
blue & black plaid button up shirt
Added by hAYden. on October 8, 2009 at 2:29pm —
...make some new friends who share love for rja, add me if u fancy chattin or just another friend on ur list ; )
Added by Lou on October 8, 2009 at 1:15pm —
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ughhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! why the fuck do ppl always have to pick on me !!!!!!!!!!!!! this girl at my scool , a whore named Jennifer , is spreadin rumors that i've slept with like ... 13 guys and that i'm a hoe !!!!! I HAVENT EVEN HAD MY FIRST KISS YET !!!!!!!!!!!!! so she cant sit there and call me a hoe if i havent even had meh 1st kiss ! WTF !!!!!!!!!!! it seems like the only thing in the world that can make me feel better is my screamo music , and my best friend Jenna . THATS IT !!!!!!!!!! UGH !…
Added by Rae Singh on October 6, 2009 at 6:30pm —
if you're my friend leave me a comment.....leave me a comment of your favorite memory of you and me or leave me a comment of what youre favorite part of me is :)
Added by hAYden. on October 6, 2009 at 3:40pm —
today was a great day!!!
went to youth retreat with my school :)
hung out with friends :)
went to volleyball :)
and just had orange juice :)
now im just relaxin about to eat pizza fo sho :)
hehe. okayy byee peeeps :)
Added by hAYden. on October 5, 2009 at 8:12pm —
1 Comment
A broken heart will hurt for ever...
Unless touched by an angel
And weather or not the love is true
It is better to loved once and lost all
Then to have never felt the wermth of failed love
Birth, Death, Hate, Love they are all in life and yet...
You will never live till you've felt them all
You where born, You have hated, and when,
You have found love soon, all to soon
You will see the face of death.
No one will ever truely die,
till they…
Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 3, 2009 at 4:00pm —
Smells Like Teen Spirit”
Culture is society. It is the way parents raise their children. Culture is a belief system, but more importantly culture is the factor that either separates or joins people together. The teenage culture of the 90’s was thought to have been defined by one band led by Kurt Cobain, and still some believe that the words written and sung by this band…
Added by rebecca on September 30, 2009 at 6:06pm —
1 Comment
A month of pain. Death and soon birth. A year ago..almost a year my grandmother died and we buried her the day after Halloween, and now 30 days before Halloween i will have a sisters Her name will be Charlotte Grace. the name has a story as long speech but to sum it up,,before my Grandma died my Mom asked her if she liked the name ''Charlotte'' and if that should be the name of a baby girl if it should happen, and it did. God does love all.
Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on September 22, 2009 at 7:04pm —