why the fu** do ppl always got shi+ to say about me ?!?!

ughhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! why the fuck do ppl always have to pick on me !!!!!!!!!!!!! this girl at my scool , a whore named Jennifer , is spreadin rumors that i've slept with like ... 13 guys and that i'm a hoe !!!!! I HAVENT EVEN HAD MY FIRST KISS YET !!!!!!!!!!!!! so she cant sit there and call me a hoe if i havent even had meh 1st kiss ! WTF !!!!!!!!!!! it seems like the only thing in the world that can make me feel better is my screamo music , and my best friend Jenna . THATS IT !!!!!!!!!! UGH ! fuck shit balls man !

........................okay i think i got all my anger out now .......................... :D
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('') ('')
thats definitly a BUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Rae Singh on October 11, 2009 at 9:13am
awww thanks everybody for the comments
it really helps !!!! ^.^
Comment by Lou on October 9, 2009 at 4:13pm
Calm down, dont take it personally, one day i SWEAR to you everything will come back on her one day, its the way things work. The main thing is what you think of yourself and you know what shes sayin is rubbish so why care? Shes not important to you, shes nothing to you. Cliche but just dont giv her a reaction it will drive her crazy. dont even acknowlage her.
Comment by kimmy on October 7, 2009 at 3:21am
if i was anywhere near you, i'd knock her lights out >:D
people like that just...urrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!! DAMN!!!
just tell everyone the rumors aren't true or ignore her. she'll get over it.
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 7, 2009 at 1:33am
ahh lol XD like the bunny!! i'm a duck gal myself =] never had it hapen to me befor....stad up to her and tell her she has no right to say things outher poeple till she says things bout her own damn self!!!! STAD UP TO HER!!!! if you don't every one will think you sacred of ,,,or are you??


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