Jennieglenn's Blog (7)

If walls could talk...

Life this year is feeling quite intimidating. I'm not sure why yet. but things lately have made me feel like all i need to do is shut my mouth, dont express myself with my voice, yet with my actions. 2008 is goin to be a challenging year, (though i'm not going to be speaking and complaining as much as i did in 2007, i am still going to write.) Thinking before i speak, and meaning what i say... using the effort for something worth the effort... Gossip, complaining, it isnt worth it, so often we… Continue

Added by Jennieglenn on January 25, 2008 at 12:28pm — No Comments

Summer in a cabin by the Lake

That summer

That wonderful, dreamy summer,

That summer when

All my dreams came to life

He was there

Face to face with me

That hellogoodbye song ringing in my head:

"Our cheeks can brush, our lips can touch, here"



Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:40pm — No Comments

If I could be anyone else, i would be...

If I could be

Anyone in the world

Anyone I want

Who would I be?

I could be rich

And famous

I could be a rock star

Or an actress

But those things

I so not desire



Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:37pm — 5 Comments

When I am lost

When I am lost

I never seem to be found

Falling forever in a dark

Dank, endless hole

Until the light comes

Barely piercing the hold of darkness

Light, in the form of two words

Saves me once again

In a message or a…


Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:24pm — No Comments

The Mirror

They come to me everyday

And they always have something to say

Never to me,

But said it must be

Things said during a certain endeavor

Things that I shall repeat never…


Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:19pm — No Comments

just some things to think about

"one day, someone showed me a glass with water occupying half of its total capacity. That someone asked me, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" so I drank the water. NO MORE PROBLEM!!!" Some times we make things TOOO difficult. Just live with what life gives you, and if the world deals you a crappy hand. Use everything to your advantage, and trade your cards! ~ Jennieglenn…


Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:14pm — 1 Comment

Innocence, Lost and Never Found

Innocence for someone is their grip on childhood happiness. The times when you looked at people without prejudice, no quick judgement. Race, color, nationality, culture, religion, none of that mattered, if they were a good friend and could kick a ball, jump rope, hopscotch, or anything else.

When you experience things, your view of the world changes. When you watch the news for the first time, you hear about all the crimes…


Added by Jennieglenn on December 2, 2007 at 4:03pm — 1 Comment








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