If I could be
Anyone in the world
Anyone I want
Who would I be?
I could be rich
And famous
I could be a rock star
Or an actress
But those things
I so not desire
To be someone else
Is like wood without a fire
I am who I am
But is that enough?
Enough for this world?
Enough for me?
Why why why
Must I think these things
All these thoughts linger inside
Like a wolf dressed as a lamb
To choose who
Is an umpossible feat.
Even thinking about it
Makes me feel beat
Can’t we all just
Be happy?
With who we are?
Inside and out?
Why must we always wonder,
What if?
What if I was skinny?
What if I was popular?
Why do we want these things?
And those stereotypical views
Saying and doing
As if on queues
So who would I be?
I choose to be the only one
That walks over to the scared child,
Hiding in the corner, and give them hope.
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