If I could be anyone else, i would be...

If I could be

Anyone in the world

Anyone I want

Who would I be?

I could be rich

And famous

I could be a rock star

Or an actress

But those things

I so not desire

To be someone else

Is like wood without a fire

I am who I am

But is that enough?

Enough for this world?

Enough for me?

Why why why

Must I think these things

All these thoughts linger inside

Like a wolf dressed as a lamb

To choose who

Is an umpossible feat.

Even thinking about it

Makes me feel beat

Can’t we all just

Be happy?

With who we are?

Inside and out?

Why must we always wonder,

What if?

What if I was skinny?

What if I was popular?

Why do we want these things?

And those stereotypical views

Saying and doing

As if on queues

So who would I be?

I choose to be the only one

That walks over to the scared child,

Hiding in the corner, and give them hope.

Views: 8


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Comment by Lironster [RJA♥] on January 29, 2009 at 9:13am
Comment by rainsmile on December 8, 2007 at 2:48am
i chose to be me^^and jenniglenn ur awsome just the way u r!<3
Comment by $$-OmAr-$$ on December 8, 2007 at 1:38am
wow.... that's nice
and cool
Comment by kat on December 7, 2007 at 11:44pm
thats so aweomse.
Comment by Stacy on December 2, 2007 at 4:51pm
Wow. Amazing. = ]
Seriously thats really good.
States a good point to everyone.


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