Innocence for someone is their grip on childhood happiness. The times when you looked at people without prejudice, no quick judgement. Race, color, nationality, culture, religion, none of that mattered, if they were a good friend and could kick a ball, jump rope, hopscotch, or anything else.

When you experience things, your view of the world changes. When you watch the news for the first time, you hear about all the crimes and war, and death. You lose the sense of being, you gain prejudice and fear. Your scales aren’t balanced.

When you experience things, your view changes. No matter what precautions your parents took, there is always that moment where you choose to rebel, you lose innocence. You walk a different way home from school, see new people, you gain experience, you lose innocence.

When you fall and the ice is hard, when you look up and there are no shapes, just clouds, when you are hungry and have nothing to eat, and when you need someone to cry on, and are alone. ~ Jennieglenn Hoile and Matt Costa

Innocence, after it is lost, can only be observed.

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Comment by Margie monSTAR on December 2, 2007 at 7:24pm
I think about that a lot. Children and their innocence, that is. Children look up to adults and other people older than them for what to do, but we really need to learn from children. We need to be able to look at a person and not judge their appearance, skin color, ect, but see the person within them. We are all born with pure innocence. Where did it go?








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