Wow!!! My first blog on here! haha....I can be a dork sometimes but thats ok b/c everyone has a little of nerd in them! Well... I am 17 going to be 18 in like 3 weeks! whohoo!! I am a senior this year and I can not wait to graduate and attend college at College of the Ozarks! I am ready to get out on my own and live life...even though I am sure I will be back home a few times before I actually get there out on my own..haha! I want to travel so bad! I want to go everywhere! I want to be a… Continue
Added by Emmaly Carney on January 20, 2008 at 6:17pm —
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well, i'm the type of girl that likes to have fun with friends, escpially with my friends desiree, jarea, gerri, marissa, stephanie,and sam. my most best friend that is a bot is chase, he is a bit of a perv but he's cool. i am in high school, i hate only one of my teachers wich is amazing compared to last year. And only one teacher hates me. well i am the most hyper-est person that you will probably ever meet and i love to speak my mind not matter if its mean or nice, i really don't… Continue
Added by chelsea=] on January 20, 2008 at 12:19pm —
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Radiant in every way.
A feel good smell.
I love how it feels when the first drop falls on me.…
Added by Christina on January 20, 2008 at 2:04am —
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True love is as pure as water.
Because it can evaporate at any time.
It’s full of life.…
Added by Christina on January 20, 2008 at 2:00am —
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So today was so cold that my car's thermometer wouldn't even read a temperature.... it just said "ICE". According to Yahoo!, it was -1 during the day and -3 around midnight...before the windchill. I need to move someplace warm...considering I get cold in restaurants and movie theaters, I don't think I was cut out for Chicago winters.
Added by Sarah [APPARATUS] on January 20, 2008 at 1:49am —
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add me<3
i'll talk to you.
&& i'm super bored.
oh and + me on MySpace:]
Added by xxbreexx on January 20, 2008 at 12:14am —
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hi my name is kendra im new and need
some friends i need a little help
with all this...
i love rja - kendra -
Added by kendra on January 19, 2008 at 10:06pm —
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Well i guess i will come here and post whenever. If you really want to get to know me then add me on myspace.
Added by Cindy Lou Bou on January 19, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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This story will be in honor of my friend Rosa (in replace of her real name lol. TAKE THAT YOU STALKERS!!!!!!) She really does love vampires and I wanted to write another story. She gave me an idea to work with and I will be working from their. Because this is my first vampire story, if anyone has any ideas or ways to help, please let me know.
Added by theonesuluvrcircled on January 18, 2008 at 8:41pm —
1 Comment
The TROLLEY & I Are Going 2 Make TROLLEY Babies....Trolleys + Jimmys = A Fucking Funny MER..Jai&Shane&Ty&Mer ALCOS says:
its time for the CONVOY to de-part
I finally found you, my personal slaughter As an appetizer, I let you taste my daughter! says:
The TROLLEY & I Are Going 2 Make TROLLEY Babies....Trolleys + Jimmys = A Fucking Funny MER..Jai&Shane&Ty&Mer ALCOS says:
my Chitty chatty Boxxy convoys OWN
I finally… Continue
Added by mer_Mer on January 18, 2008 at 8:42am —
1 Comment
My Chemical Romance will be here in the Philippines on January 25,2008..
hopefully, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus will come too.. soon!! =)
Added by Jonnalyn Mae Tamayo on January 18, 2008 at 8:00am —
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i git fucked the hell up like i smoke bud and i drink and some shurms and i do the hell out of some rolls/x
Added by Travis meservy on January 18, 2008 at 7:09am —
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random things about me:
*when i get frustrated i growl
*i wear hollister under band tees
*j'adore francais
*im lactose entolarant
*i cannot spell (sorry)
*i have a 4.0
*i love a guy that lives 7 hours from me
*im a klutz
*there are 27 other things i should be doing right now
*i list things. a lot.
*i have a horse
*my nails are bright green
*guitars hurt my hand
*im a myspace addict
Added by summer on January 16, 2008 at 10:42pm —
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So today, I went to TRY to donate blood, and I actually passed the iron test!! I know, not that exciting for anyone else really, but for me it's pretty awesome. I've attempted to donate blood about 20 times, and I've only gotten to do it twice (well, now 3 times) because I almost always fail the stupid iron test (I'm anemic, and can't store iron in my blood)!! But not today!!
I'm also gonna use this opportunity to say
DONATE BLOOD! It's really important…
Added by Sarah [APPARATUS] on January 16, 2008 at 8:37pm —
oh my god plz!!!! i want RJA to come near Philly, i missed them last time. they are so freaking amzing, Continue
Added by Jocelyn on January 14, 2008 at 8:07pm —
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today is sunday january 13th 2008 and i have finally loosen my piercing ball so that it can come out. but that wont happen.
in other news i have watched the movie Wristcutters: A Love Story, nd i am absolutly in love with it and am on a joiurney to buy it the second i see it out. i even drew a scen from the movie. it's cute.
i'm awaiting my school to post our grades cause i am anticipating seeing my grades from first term --add in my jealousy of australia being done…
Added by Larissa on January 13, 2008 at 3:12pm —
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How many people can honestly say that?
I totally love my job. It really doesn't feel like I go to "work" everyday. Perhaps because my job involves little to no "work".
I'll walk you through a "typical" day...
1. I get there. The 2 older boys are at school. The 2 year old triplets are sleeping. Depending on the situation I may pick up toys, fold laundry, Swiffer vac the kitchen, empty the dishwasher, get 3 juice sippies ready for when they wake up, get 3 milk sippies ready for dinner…
Added by Sarah [APPARATUS] on January 10, 2008 at 8:48pm —
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Added by Brittany on January 10, 2008 at 4:00pm —
1 Comment
wahhhh im in love with love!!!
Added by Marie on January 10, 2008 at 11:24am —
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The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus started out as a local band in Middleburg, Florida, which is south of Jacksonville, according to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus' official website. The name, "Red Jumpsuit
Apparatus", was chosen by placing random words on a wall, and then
blindfolding one of the members and choosing three words.
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus released their demo,…
Added by Devin on January 10, 2008 at 12:19am —
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