So anyhoe, im bored in my web desgin class.I just wanted to send a message to all of you guys out there who are single.

when a girl asks you out, ANSWER HER. It's a simple question and it deserves a simple answer. "yes" or "No". None of this "I'll think about it" bitchfuck. Just answer the question. Don't keep the girl waiting.

And girls, do that same thing when a guy asks you, don't leave him hanging. He will go insane if you don't asnwer him.

Also, guys. When you tell a girl you like her, don't turn around and then start hanging all over another girl when the girl you like is RIGHT THERE like she doesn't exsist. She watches what you do. She's not a stalker or anything but she watches you to see if you are good enough to go out with. If you tell her you like her and then you hang on another girl, you're going to prove to her that you're a player.

Just grow some balls and man up and don't be a manwhore. Answer her.

And girls, don't nudge about every god damn bitchfuck time your around him and he still hasn't answered your question.

AhThankYou. (:

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Comment by Nick ☮ on January 13, 2009 at 10:47am
:D I completely agree, way to put it out there like that! :P








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