Not really. But once again I am in web design class. And we're just sitting here. Doin' nuthin. Anyhoe, I just got some recent and disturbing news from a friend of mine.
I hate to complain, but this really bothers me and I want someone's opinion.

So, there is this guy at school and I think he is uberly cute. But I have never really met him and I decided to try and start talking to him with a friends help. At lunch (when I wasn't there), my friend started talking to .. let's call him, Mr. Cute. x) Anywho, my friend started talking to Mr. Cute while in front of my ex. (NOTE: I broke up with him becaue I though we were And we are better off as friends. Apparently he had no problem with it, so ya.) While in front of my ex, my friend is talking to Mr. Cute about me and how I am a good person to be around. My ex (who's supposedly a good friend) starts trash talking about me in front of Mr. Cute and making up bogus claims about me making me look bad.

Now, should I be mad about this situation, or should I just let this go? I mean, I didn't do ANY of the things my ex claimed and it's making upset because we broke up in Aug. of 08.

It's Jan. of 09 and I am single. Have been since Aug of 08. x|

So, should I be mad and take action about this? Yay or Nay?

Please comment.

Thanks. (":

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Comment by King on January 28, 2009 at 1:11pm
Your ex still probably has feelings for you and is probably irked by you for friend-zoning him. Friendship is never an excuse for breakin' up y'know. Also, he maybe protecting you from Mr. Cute, like y'know, he might be some "playa" who treats girls like toys and since he can't badmouth Mr. Cute in front of his face, so he'll risk losing your friendship to turn get Mr. Cute turned off by you just so you won't turn into one of Mr. Cute's victims.
Comment by Nikkay :] on January 22, 2009 at 10:24am
Ya, well. Around where I live, Mr. Personality is hard to find. >_<
Besides, I am also not exactly the prettist girl around so idk anymore.
It's whatever now. /:

Btw, gum isn't that cheap here. Lol. But Stride is A-Maz-Ing
Comment by Nick ☮ on January 22, 2009 at 10:10am
Dang, I wish gum was that cheap around here! Maybe I'd start a two cent blog!
And yeah, I can honestly tell you what that feels like, I've only dated one girl, only had one ex. It really hurts when they treat you like shit because you probably at one time <3'd them...
I'm just saying you need to find a Mr. Personality (that wasn't referring to your ex, btw) instead of a Mr. Cute. I date for personality and it's definitely the way to go. :D
P.S. Buy some more gum and chew on that thought for a while ;] ;] ;]
Comment by Nikkay :] on January 22, 2009 at 9:47am
The problem is, I am not even dating Mr.Cute. That's what bugs me. He's had countless numbers of girlfriends after me, and I haven't had one since Mr. Ex. And he's trash talking about me. -___-

And thank you for your two cents. I'm going to buy some gum. x)
Comment by Nick ☮ on January 22, 2009 at 9:39am
Nay :D Boys=@ssholes sometimes, if I were you I wouldn't have epected anything better out of an X, especially because he may still be jealous of you dating another guy. Lol, if you really want a date, you should go for Mr. Personality, with whom you'll probably be better off with, instead of with Mr. Cute, with whom you may end up dating or may not--both at costs to yourself :).
Lol, this might not be a very good reply, but it's my two cents :D








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