Ok so if you see me in the chat room then you will often see this..''Lulu singing..'' and then a chorus..plp say im good so im writing a blog bout it..Thees are just tips only you can write a song with your touch..and yes its vary important to put who you are and what you know in to a song..i write songs bout sad things like death...and the only reason is cuz thats what i know. If youve been hurt then start with that..but youve got to remember to have rhyme if not theres no song..ive noted that if you just hear one band thay rub of on you, so be careful! if you have trouble then look up songs and see how there written... you've got to how fast the song is so sing it a little and hopefully you'll see how you want it sung...if you don't have a band give it to one and ask for there thanks in the album if you give it to TRJA then yeah you'll get it! most of the time you'll have the music but not the song but i write the song first and then the music..most of the big hit songs dare bout pain or love but most of all life..keep the verse short and the chorus long and you'll go far ill show you what i mean.....*as the clock strikes 12 ever thing gets so cold plz tell me where dose the time go every thing is so dark so bleak and every one is telling me to just be meak...*then the chorus*...Tears are falling for all thous who are lots you never know what you've got till its gone every thing is going so fast so just stay stroungdeaths grip is so hard till it gone tears are falling for all thous who are lost* if you can try and count the sentence and see how long it is...well best of luck to all the great song writers!!! if your still havening trouble ask in the chat room well bye for now and I LUGS YOU ALL!!

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Comment by Mari on July 15, 2009 at 11:13am
yeah id like to hear you sing it to if you ever get famous that should be like your hit song like pen and paper is RJAs or Face Down
Comment by ming2x on July 15, 2009 at 10:55am
"if you don't have a band give it to one and ask for there thanks in the album if you give it to TRJA then yeah you'll get i".. this part is funny.. I'll keep that in mind.. and i would love to hear you sing this.. ahhaha!


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