Lulu(is lost in her head)'s Blog (11)


well I'm back.... been up to allot... got a promise ring from my wonder boy carlos... gone back to cutting... nothing new nothing old. Nice to be back.

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on December 25, 2010 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Your arms...</3

Save me from myself,

I've done wrong.

This time has been to long.

I needed you then

like I need you now.

I'm sorry for what I am

Save me from…


Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on April 11, 2010 at 8:40pm — No Comments

ASHES...just one more of my songs ^^

By dawn's early brake my heart try's to wake

but falls this hurt and this pain.

Frustrated I try to hide my lie

and my world die's again.

And i feel this pain again.


Well Ashes to Ashes but i'm still here

will you try to feel me?

will you try to save me?

nowhere out of this town.

Just leave me here.

Nowhere to call home

No one to call friend

i try to lie but i just…


Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on February 20, 2010 at 10:24pm — 4 Comments

The 13th year of my life.

Some people think all i want is attention. But none of them really know me. If they took the time to ask "Why do you feel that way?" or "Really? Well thats life" then this would be what i would tell them.

When i was 12, all the pets, 4 of them, died, the dog Roxy, the poor thing, we had her for such a long time,

the bird, sunny we got Him in place of Roxy, but he died, cat..i got her for my 4th b-day, she died under my bed. The ginnie pig, i got her for my 10th… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on January 29, 2010 at 7:48pm — 3 Comments

"A Prayer For Haiti"

"Dear God, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Haiti. I pray for all those who are not there anymore. I pray that they will not just live, but thrive on in life. Let not greed nor hate kill them, but let love and peace stay with them. Let not just countless money come in, but countless love. I pray for the ones who died, who lived, and who will live. Amen."

Please pray for the ones who lost loved ones. Even thou i am not one of them, i still feel there pain just the same. Black,… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on January 17, 2010 at 8:44pm — 1 Comment



Destroyed by his lover

Hurt by his master

Left to wonder

Dose it really matter?

Don't wonder

Don't ponder

On this we call


Everyone seem's

so selfless

now a-day's

left in haze


snatching up

those who are

close to us

Do you see him?

In the pouring rain?

left out there

with his pain

The odd one

with no friends

The odd one

He never… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on November 19, 2009 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

LIkE A faIRY of my songs

(chorus)i'm liven' in a fairy tale

were every one wears black

in a fairy tale, were no one can go back

were we croud 'round a wooden box

and through rosess on top

death is soo hard, death is soo hard DEATH IS SO HARD BUT LIFE IS HARDER!!!


death is like a fairy tale, like a vision

i dont eeven know the days descpion!

all my senes are dead, all my senes are, dead

this light is blineding me

oh, it's just… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 21, 2009 at 2:03pm — 3 Comments


A broken heart will hurt for ever...

Unless touched by an angel

And weather or not the love is true

It is better to loved once and lost all

Then to have never felt the wermth of failed love

Birth, Death, Hate, Love they are all in life and yet...

You will never live till you've felt them all

You where born, You have hated, and when,

You have found love soon, all to soon

You will see the face of death.

No one will ever truely die,

till they… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on October 3, 2009 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments


A month of pain. Death and soon birth. A year ago..almost a year my grandmother died and we buried her the day after Halloween, and now 30 days before Halloween i will have a sisters Her name will be Charlotte Grace. the name has a story as long speech but to sum it up,,before my Grandma died my Mom asked her if she liked the name ''Charlotte'' and if that should be the name of a baby girl if it should happen, and it did. God does love all.

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on September 22, 2009 at 7:04pm — 2 Comments

THE UNDEAD FLY!!!!!!*run for your life aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!*

ok this is no joke, this really happened to me!!!!! So there i was in the bath room brushing my teeth and then bbbuuuzzzz right in my ear!!!! So i had a towel and i was thinking...hhhmmm...then WACK! I hit it I hit it!!!! yay!! Then i got brushing my hair...BUUUUZZZZZ...yup the SAME fly. At this time i was thinking ''wow ok the first must have not hit it to well...hehehe your going down'' Then before i could a thing WACK!! all i could say was ''DIE FLY DIE!!! MUKHAHA!!!!'' and… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on July 18, 2009 at 12:35pm — 3 Comments

How to write a song

Ok so if you see me in the chat room then you will often see this..''Lulu singing..'' and then a chorus..plp say im good so im writing a blog bout it..Thees are just tips only you can write a song with your touch..and yes its vary important to put who you are and what you know in to a song..i write songs bout sad things like death...and the only reason is cuz thats what i know. If youve been hurt then start with that..but youve got to remember to have rhyme if not theres no song..ive noted that… Continue

Added by Lulu(is lost in her head) on July 15, 2009 at 10:38am — 2 Comments








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