I was looking at RJA pics, and they had five guys in some pics, then from their new album, they only had four. Now, he probably left the band or something, Idk, but if anyone knows what happend to him, telll!!!! lol

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elias went solo.
lol Ok. Thanks guys!!
I miss him..
yaa I miss Elias but Matt is very talented
*sniff sniff* i want Elias to come back :'(
totally agree with you meghan.. couldn't have said it any better. :)
The reason they have a fith guy is because all of their songs require a lead and a rythm guitar. the guy in the pics has been touring with them for about 6 months. The other guys call him "Matt Black" cause he looks like Jack Black. lol he was also in the new vid Pen and Paper. not a guitarist in the band, but as a guy who comes in the house for the party or whatever it is. my best guess is that hes goin to eventually join the band, or be done when RJA is done touring
lol Ok. Thanks! I was wondering about the guy touring with them, I was wanting him to join the RJA crew...hopefully he does. Hes cool. \m/ >.< \m/ Thanks!
he actually was in the vid as a guitarist. in one of the like 3 full band wide-shots, you can see his right hand with all the tats and the long hair right next to joey. its kinda covered up though...like jason white from green day is during the Wake Me up When Sept. Ends vid.
for everybodys information, ive talked to ronnie personally, and yes, he definitly is their new guitarist. it is official. straight out od ronnie's mouth.
he whet on his own (bad news for him x])



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