just wondering if there are any hidden meanings behind some of the lyrics, and wondering what everyone's favorite lyrics by RJA are...

im kinda stuck on the whole "Jericho falls around me" line from Grim Goodbye...
does it have any special meaning or anything? or what?

also, my favorite lyrics would have to be from Step Right Up

"Step right up, shoot an arrow at the target. My heart is an easy thing for you to hit. Don't worry if you miss I'll let you shoot again. My heart is an easy thing for you to win."

there are other ones that have reached out to me, but those lyrics are the ones i like most lol

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"i still believe that there is more love than hate, there's more heart than ache"

"skip classes, take chances, have fun cuz when its over it is done" :D
I agree with Vince, "skip class, take chances, have fun". Theres a lot from the Don't You Fake It album, such as "theres a scream in your voice, and I hope you will be heard"
and i tried just to separate dreams from reality...try to satisfy this wanting.... try to stay righteous...try to stay sober...(till the end of the song)


there is a problem here with our society...the absence of my tears is my sobriety....
"I'll stand and fight until the day they put me in the ground"
"Something holds me down and makes me act a way i can't explain
Even now I can feel it coming over me, choking me
As I’m falling behind
You can say you know me
But you have no clue what my dreams could show you"
don't ask why i like them...i just do :)
"Jericho falls around me"

This line has got me thinkin' too, I should probably listen to Grim Goodbye more to know what it means.

Anyways my favorite is from Justify:

"Justify! Your secrecies that surmise your cries.
I see the way you look around the bend,
is it going to end, when?"

The song itself is pretty deep. In my opinion, It talks about the downfall of societies, how it all changed from the simple days into today which is full of hate and discrimation. Corrupt politics causing wars and religious fanaticism causing hate. A never ending cycle of bloodshed and tears.
someone replied to me in youtube regarding this and she has a good insight on this... i'll look it up and share it to you... if it would help.....
Sure, go ahead.
here it is, hope this helps.... hey i love this song.... it's my fave

from: rebryant66 in youtube:

`the grim goodbye is a song about someone who has an addiction, like alcohol ...and they feel like they are betraying their religion every time they drink alcohol....if u read the lyrics it makes sense...^^ and yeah there is a bible verse in the background...i posted it in another thread called ''i have a question' or something like that

The original version of Grim Goodbye
It had this bible verse in the background.

Ecclesiastes 7:3-9.
"Sorrow is better than laughter,
for by a sad countenance the heart is made better.
The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning.
But the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools. For like the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. This also is vanity. Surely oppresion destroys a wise man's reason. And a bribe debases the heart.
The end of a thing is better then its beginning. The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools."
That is pretty deep, though I always kinda thought that the song had a religious meaning behind it. Oh well, I guess I'll interpret it in my own way. Now to find this original version of Grim Goodbye.
pen and paper
"i know i stood so long beisde you"

cat and mouse
"am i supposed to be happy"
"with all i ever wanted it comes w/ a price"
(im getting emo w/ this song:])

your guardian angel
"seasons are changing:]"
(thats my motto:])

"between the resurrection and the propecy untold"

"who will join us...you let it be you"
(this line is so catchy)

no spell
"when all the world is gone and dead...still be the one to hold your hand"

face down
"hey girl...qhy you driviing me crazy"
(this song driving me crazy)

angels cry
when stars collide
i cant eat
i cant breathe
i wouldn't want it any other way

kins and carrols
"you broke my heart again"

false pretense
'betrayed but not be willing to change"

in fates hands
"oh...wish i could thank you all"
"for all of the things that you have shared w/ me"
"oh...wish i could take you all"
"i take you in my arms"

damn regret
i tried to forget
dont worry about me cause im refined

step right up
shoot an arrow on the target
dont worry if you miss i'll let you shoot agin
my heart is an easy thing for you to win

lonely road
"there's a piece left in mind"

well...i love their lyrics but its long...hahaha



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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