well, I think that Godspeed is an amazing song, the lyrics are so beautiful, so true, it makes me wanna cry.
and I absoutely love Ronnie's voice in this song,

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Godspeed is beautiful!
There is an Italian song wihch tell about a men who were kill by another soldier because he has not had the courage to kill, godspeed seems the other side of the story!
The italian song tell about a men who died in a wheat field and think about what hasn't done in life.
I love GodSpeed
maybe this has already been explained somewhere else... but i've been wondering.
ronnie always says how his songs are about true stories so.. who is godspeed about?
war veterans me thinks :D

and the song is amazing, nuff said :D
it may be about his brother...he did serve in Iraq...
yeah thats probably the best guess. but he said he wrote it when he was 17, was his brother in the military then?
Strangely Enough Its Just Come Up On My Window Media Player!
I Love It :]

<3 This song!
Well, Ronnie actually gives a date in this song, which makes it more specific than any general war... 1970. Which would probably be Vietnam. Maybe his grandpa served in Vietnam?
All in all, one of the best tracks off Lonely Road. Great vocals, great story. :)

P.S. Ronnie is a prodigy! How many of us wrote a song that good when we were just seventeen? Not me :P haha.
Correct as always my friend, at that time(when I was 17) I was dating a different girl, her father was a Vietnam vet and I did a report on him for my school which spawned the song Godspeed...it's another true story, but on my reflections of our interview together....hope that helps
Thank you so much Ronnie for answering that.
It IS beautiful. I think it's catchy and I love how their songs tell stories. :)



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