I was just wondering if I could like contact them somehow before a show on Feb 6... You see there's this girl I want to ask to the prom and I was wondering if they could call her up onto stage so I could make this like super amazing for her =(

Thanks yous

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Dude, think about what you're asking.
Think about how rude that is to ask such a huge favor over something like prom.
Just think about it.

And trust me, I'm sure your friend will have an amazing time regardless.
Maybe you can ask her after the show.
You're definitely right, but I just wanted to like show her like how much I like her... Iono I just never felt this way before with a girl.

It confuses me hahaha x.x
then you tell her...just be straight up...and tell her how much she means to you...u dont need anybody else to tell that to her besides you.
Vince is right.
Plus, the concert should be enough to show her how much you like her.
No need to try and impress her further. lol.
You'll do fine.
Meh I know I should... I just feel like not worthy hahaha, but you gotta admit this would be like super epic if rja do do this!
:D hehe, I don't think I should should say anything :) so I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Lol, or super awkward
Im going to agree with meghan...Seriously its not hard to ask a girl to prom ive done it..regretted it but i did it..just grow some balls and ask
Well whatever happens this is going to be an awesome weekend!!! Woot Houstonnnn!
ask her straight ;]
have self confidence dude.. i know you can do it ;]
well, I kinda agree with what the ppl here say.
So..Good luck dude :]



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