WEEKLY THOUGHT this will be my weekly thought blog wich will be updated every week. 12/4/07: i miss justin♥ yep. chinese test was hard today...i rilly need to get my head out of the clouds...i sooooo tired,today i thout i was late but school wasn't starting for another hour in a half....it was latestart..so i am ok, my mom has been yelling at me and i tried to make it better by scrubbing for HOURS to clean the outside of this frig that we got from the old nabor,when she got home she yelled at me for forgetting to make dinner and that i won't take care of myself,my hw wasn't yet finnished and that i hog the computer(the one she hid then didn't us until 9:30) then she finnaly said thanks but just had to add that i used the rong scrubbythingy and complained about more stuff.i was just tired so i went in bed to egnore the rest of her rantings. it drove me crazy yesterday and the other days i went to counceling cuz she always asks me if i like anyone and i keep telling her i have a boyfriend!!DXugggggggggggg!!! i am not interested in any one els and she neeeeeeeeeeeeeds to get that through her head!!!UGG!then she asked me if i thought his mom would give in and allow me and him to see eachother and it drove me crazy,NO she wont cuz she is ....well a protective mom!....sheeeesh! ok someone neeeeeeeds to give me kudos for not insulting his mom! its soooo hard some times...but i know that she is just looking out for him and possibly me. oyivay lol *sigh* that is the best word for how i feel "sigh" lol that is how i feel so far this week, i'll make sure to update u on other stuff that changes along the week lol.p.s. don't say awww about any of my blogs,it drives me crazy!lol not trieng to be mean but don't feel srry for me cuz my life is awsome^^ ok.....gosh....i don't want to be mean but i keep thinkin when i see boyfriends and girlfriends together cuddling and kissing.....D@mn it stop rubbing my face in it!!!or YEAH YEAH GET A ROOOOOOOOM or GOD DANG IT GO AWAY ALL U GUYS R OUT TO TORMENT ME....i know they rn't lol but i can't help feelin that way lol^^another thout this week lol 12/5/07: okkkkk i am sooo tired, and i was wrighting an essay in 7th per. and i reized that i didn't remember how i felt when my mom told me my dad was in a loony bin for trieng to kill himself...we were saposed to put stuff like how we need family and crap. i was 7 when he was there and i don't remember how i felt about it...so now im courious as to if im over it or if i subconcously put it away to protect myself...idl but thats what i've been thinkin of today 11/6/07: i actually have mangaged to not feel to bad today....but that was cuz i was starving.i thought i was going to pass out.lol.i am kinda courious what it would look like/feel like to see the world fade from view then wake up wit an iv in ur arm lol.im not starving myself on purpose but latley i just feel like im going to throw up whenever i eat its crazy.yep i miss justin like crazy...but other then that things r normal

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