i just found out a very special person to me passed away. George was a close friend with my grandparents and to anyone he met. He was probably the kindest and thoughtful people i've ever known. he never thought of himself but instead he helped other,like he helped raise money for the local hospital. it was always nice just talking to him, he was so calm and collected you could talk to him about anything and he would know something about it, whether it was about history or how amazing the red… Continue
Added by Alina on March 13, 2009 at 10:19pm —
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ok so yesterday i went to the doctor and he recomended me some meds. so you know usually they just give the perscription and then get it filled at the pharmacy, well not this time. this time they made me take a frickn pregnancy test and im only 14 almost 15. basically the doc said if i had a baby while i was on it, it would be all deformed and stuff, so i had to take this test and another one in a month b4 i can get my meds, which are only for acne!!!
ugh im so sick of being the left out friend. i always help my friends w/ everything and anything they are having trouble w/ whether it's HW or something serious like when my friend was being stalked. I love my friends and i will do anything to help them so im the peacemaker and a good friend, but i feel like im taken for granted. i always am the one who has to be responcible and solve the problem, and i never get anything in return. dont get me wrong i dont like a ton of attention and i dont do… Continue
Added by Alina on October 31, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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