ugh im so sick of being the left out friend. i always help my friends w/ everything and anything they are having trouble w/ whether it's HW or something serious like when my friend was being stalked. I love my friends and i will do anything to help them so im the peacemaker and a good friend, but i feel like im taken for granted. i always am the one who has to be responcible and solve the problem, and i never get anything in return. dont get me wrong i dont like a ton of attention and i dont do it for the credit, it's just that i almost never get a simple thank you or anything, the problem is just magically solved and it is irrelevent how. also it just seems like everythings about my friends, like we get to talk about what they want and do what they want and do it when they want to and where they want to, but when i want to talk about something it's like for literally 2 minutes and it's notheing to them. i can only trust like 2 people and it sucks b/c i cant always see them. so i end up having to keep everything bundled up inside, like i couldnt tell any of my friends that my uncle commited suicide and i was really depressed b/c as usual they came before everything. just for ones i want to have things my way, or have fun b/c someone always ruins it for me. Im sick of being the adult in every situation, i just want to live my life and have FUN w/out someone screwing everything up. im sorry for the ranting, but i've been holding that in a long time and had to let it out

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