Are any of you are wondering what the purpose of this site is? This network was created so the actual RJA members can keep in touch with you easier! Myspace is great, but we all know it has it's issues.

Now to customizing your layout, hopefully this will save me a crap load of questions. For the most part it appears that you all are getting the hang of it already. Obviously it's pretty similar to myspace, so this is nothing new. Basically if you play with it you can't hurt anything and will probably figure it out. I see many of you have the current RJAlliance banner up which is cool, although I just wanted to clarify that option is totally up to you. If you have a layout with a white background it looks great!

Here are few tips and some recommendations. One, unless you want to get an e-mail notification saying you have a new comment, message, etc... go to "my settings" and then "email". Here you can choose what email notification's you want to receive.

Two, under this same menu "my settings" you can adjust your account, about me, and privacy settings. I recommend going through each of these tabs and verifying that things are the way you want them. Just incase you signed up quick and didn't care what you were clicking on.

Three, within the "account" tab under "my settings" you will find your account email address (the one you signed up with), your A/S/L, member photo, and most importantly your NEW RJAlliance email and profile website address. ALL of these options can be changed. Notice, if you send pics from your cell phone to your new RJAlliance email, they will automatically be uploaded into your RJAlliance page! Is that not the shizel or what? Ehhh maybe it's just me lol.

Four, within the "about me" tab under "my settings" you can edit your "about me" sections of your profile, and your website. The website option is so you can list your myspace address or your new alliance address.

Five, within the "privacy" tab under "my settings" you can adjust who can or can't comment, view, message, add, etc... your page.

Six, for the advanced users but not limited to. If you would like to customize your layout beyond the provided templates (within "manage" under "appearance"), click "advanced" on this on this same page. Here you can use CSS or other compatible codes.


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thanks :] that helped me out soooo much omg.
you're so helpful (:
thanks :) it helped me out!!
thanks a lot Randy!
Randy !!! =D
u'r the BEST !!! <3333









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