i was just wondering if its cool to have a bestfriend...
i mean , in my whole 15 years of living , i never have a bestfriend , and probably never will..
i dunno , its just that, maybe im not meant to have a bestfriend..

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I've considered people to be my best friend when I was younger, but I eventually realized that labeling as such is fairly pointless. All it does is make it stranger if you drift apart.
Instead, I've found that I'm content with having multiple really really incredibly good friends that are basically family. I could never choose between them to pick one to be my best friend, so I'm perfectly content having a group of close friends.
Besides, what is a best friend except a label on friendship?
well ya, u've got a point..
i was just like , uhhmm wondering cause some of my close friends were like "ooh, i miss my bestfriend , where could she be ?" and and i was like "ouch, so im not your bestfriend...."
i dunno if somethings wrong with me or what , cause all i knew about bestfriends is , sharing everything about you , but i cant share everything about me even in my family , i grew up in a thought that "i should face my own problem.." something like that, im not telling anyone about ma pains and fears cause im scared to be rejected, if i have a problem , im just keeping it to myself , cry alone , then in a few moments laugh..
so im wondering if i could have that 'bestfriend' the one i could share everything about me..
Yeah, I know what you mean about wanting to have a best friend to just share everything with. For me, I'm happy sharing bits and pieces of myself with all my close friends. None of them know everything, but together they probably know everything about me. For me, I'm content with having a group of friends like that.
And like Naomi said below, you can't really push something like best friendship to happen. It just kinda has to evolve on its own like a relationship.
yeah , well im really hoping i could find one so i wont talk alone in my room anymore , and , oh , i have only one bestfriend , my room .... :D my room knows everything about me (:
i have a friend who 'ive known my entire life and we we're like family. we talk to each other about anything and everything and we've never once had a fight. my life wouldn't be the same without her. i consider her my best friend and i think we'll be friends for life.
aw! that was cool , hope i have one , i envy u .. :/
I'll be your bfffl ^^
u serious lulu????
i went about 2 years without having a best friend.. it comes and goes, and really just depends on the strength of the friendships you already have.
for the first time since i was little i have a guy best friend, and that's pretty huge for me coz most guys can't go ten seconds without being an asshole, but for some reason this guy is really great.. he puts up with all of the gay jokes, and he's there when i need someone to listen to me.
you're still really young.. you have the rest of your life to find a best friend. it's kinda like a relationship too. you just can't rush it. if things were meant to happen, they'll come naturally. the more you think about not having a best friend, the more you're gonna push your friends to get there, and that will most likely make them freak out.
all i can really suggest is try making connections with a couple of your friends.. and then as time passes, build on those connections, and hopefully you'll eventually make it. (:
pretty nice advice , !
ive been close to a guy too , he's a campus hearthrob and ,, he's actually my crush . he opens a lot about himself but ive never told him some deep things about myself ..
actually , im thinking that maybe if we didn't lost our communication he's already my bestfriend right now , but y'know .. as time goes by , people change ..
and i hope if i find my bestfriend , she wont change , cause thats what im scared of ..
yes, as time goes on people change.. that's kinda the point to life. if you stay the same all of the time it just gets boring. you learn from different experiences, and you adapt to your surroundings how you best see fit.
if any of your friends are best friend material they won't change in a bad way, but you can't expect them to stay the same.
it seems like you're more driven at the idea of having a girl best friend than you are a guy best friend, right? if so, you might just be setting yourself up for failure coz even though i have a few girl best friends now, i had guy best friends for a reallyyy long time when i was young .. it might seem really weird, but you can't be picky when picking a best friend.. they're kinda like guardian angels, you never know who they are, but they'll always be there for you.
how you get to the point where you can consider yourselves best friends is always different.. with my best friend from my school, it was about half a year of give and take of personal information until we felt like we could trust each other, and hanging out more and more on the side. with my current best friend, we're like two complete opposites. she's really smart, and i'm really ... not, but we just kinda clicked. how we got here, i can't honestly tell you.. but all i can really suggest is follow your heart. there's probably someone already in your life that you could be best friends with, you just don't realize it yet. (:
i didnt have a best-friend until i was 18. i met her during my college orientation and we just happened to hit it off



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