as promised, i would compile everything in a single discussion. :]
thank you to everyone who appreciated my junk.
you've all made me delusional enough to believe that my sketches are good. thanks.
here are my RJA-related works:

Lonely Road album art:

this is my first jab at pop art. took me 5hours total to sketch, outline and color.

joey's dandelion:

Mrs. Rockstar:
it sorta doesnt look like her... :-/

and here are the ones i've already posted...
i'd be forever grateful to him for making it his default picture.




sooo that's everything. ;]

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the colored drawing reminded me of the beatles.... great job there nads.... thanks for sharing your talent with us... and hey they're not junks.... they're works of art!
omg! that's absolutely amazing!!!!!! I love it :D
i agree with joy, the first is beatles-ish.....and no offense but their heads look like lollipops too........but great job, you're much braver, i've never attempted to draw them, cuz it would suck. they're awesome nadz......:D
yea, they do look beatle-ish. i knowww, *hides face behind hands* they dont look like the guys; thats what i get for drawing them without a copy.. and i meant their heads to look like lollipops, just to be different. i even planned to make them twisty and twirly, but my sister said it'd be too weird. lol.
THANKS joy, liron and kanela. :]<3
That's just too awesome. I drew like an anime version of Ronnie today in french class with song names all around it>> But yea, you could actually like make a living with your art because its just so awesome like that =)
thanks. :D
wow, you draw too? it'd be great if you shared it with us. im sure they're great. :]
haha. a lot of people have asked for my drawings, i just gave them away for free. never thought of selling them, knowing that people actually appreciate them is more than enough. :))
I knows, I wouldn't sell mine either, but its s'posed to be a compliment because it takes a lot of talent to even be able to sell drawings for a living. And yea, I might just post mine, who knows.
ooh yea, sorry i have this thing with compliments. it might have seemed that i took that negatively, i didn't. :]
yep, i'd love to see them. :))
awesome! pics you got talent dude! gnarly!
I coloured it today but now I gotta find out what color Ronnie's eyes are>> Then I'll post em, just for you XD And I know ya didn't mean it negatively =)
cuuuuute :D
nice artwork!!
its not a junK..........









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