I love the song Believe because It really shows the meaning of love to me.
"I still believe that there is more love than hate, theres more heart than ache"
That was so emotional.

How about you guys? what is your favorite rja song?
no all answers, PICK THE BEST!

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from DYFI or Lonely Road?
Oh well, Facedown from DYFI, cuz of personal reasons, and Grim Goodbye cuz it's just Damn Awesome, and it tells of the struggles of life.
and on Lonely Road, we have Pull Me Back, cuz again personal reasons, and Lonely Road cuz it basically tell of what life is about.
Love Seat
Home Improvement
Cat and Mouse
Grim Goodbye
False Pretense
Face Down
Step Right Up
God Speed
Lonely Road
Pull Me Back
You Better Pray
I love all their songs. but i do have some favorites. I'll pick one, and randomly i pick... Grim Goodbye.
coz there is so much depth in the lyrics and it's what i listen to when im in a dark place. It helps me vent.
here are some of my favorite lines:
"You can say you know me,
but you have no clue what my dreams could show you"

"And I've tried just to separate dreams from reality
Try to satisfy this wanting,
Try to stay righteous, try to stay sober,
but then, I can't win"

"And darkness is fading in, and darkness is real.."
love those parts too!!!! so obsessed with this song! recorded the whole song in trinoma....
angels cry

i just love it i dont know why. too bad i'll never hear it live
i love all their song.. and almost all of it is my favorite.. hehe
but i'll choose..

Home Improvement.. it means something to me
"say you love me you can lie if it is comforting"

False Pretense... i can relate to that song

Step Right Up.. i just love that song.. XD

Pleads and Postcards.. reminds me of the friends, family members that are far away from me

Justify... cause it's like related to God and peoples who have faith to Him

Love Seat... i love the message

Grim Goodbye... something about my dreams

Cat and Mouse... its very touching

Pull Me Back...No Spell, Misery Loves Its Company, You Better Pray (i dont know whyXD)
there's a lot to mention actually bec this band really makes good music, all of them inspirational but the one that tops my list is.... damn regret. the song makes me jump all the times. =) ill never get tired of listening to it.
This. why? because, just because :)
this is absolutely wonderful.
this is so great,!!!!is it really you.??
you really have a great pair of hands..!!!!:)
unfortunately those arent my hands...although im gonna be practicing piano again soon, i hope to play that good one day :) oh yea btw the dude that played that is flipino :D
well,,,he's really great,!!!proud that he's a pinoy.!!!!t'was my frist time to watch a piano version of your guardian angel.!!
well vince,,i'm sure you can do that too,!!!believe in you dude,,,love the4 way you sketch the band's torso...
anyway,,,sorry if there are some mistakes in the way i typed the ,message,,we'rte having a drinking swesion right now,...it's os hard to type with a borg;ling eyes...anyway,,,,i'm outta here...



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