after finally getting my crappy camera working...
here are my inital sketches for the guardian angel
tell me what you guys think
comments and suggestions would be appreciated
kkthanxbai :D

*note : this is my interpretation. not official whatsoever.

this is the staple design for this character

and this is the "i will never let you fall" version. its still not finished yet as you can prolly see :D


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These are pretty good. Whoever said these suck can go fall in a hole and die there.
you were a great artist. this looks like an anime cartoon.
thanks :)
your welcome :))
i love them amazing =)
wow! i admire the originality. You have a very creatuve mind Vince.
I sketch too, and some of my sketches were RJA inspired. Would you mind If I post them like this?
Hope it'd be okay, :)
it would be awesome to see ur work too :D. and you dont have to ask permission from me lol :D
nfw. :O
i love these.
these are like the coolest things ive seen since sliced bread. :O
im in complete aweh. :]
very very very very very awesome!
the reply to this button's not cooperating, so here.

It was for courtesy, better ask permission thn forgiveness. lol. Thanks a lot for being cool with it Vince. :)
I've posted them on the Discussion Board already, it'd be great if you checked them out. Tnx.
These are great !!!
Hey Vince bruttha mangs this is the bomb diggity right here! You have out done yourself yet again please tell me... is it something in the water where you are? Great work man they look awesome i love these sketches. Oh imagine the angel on a big canvas man! Dude... speechless. Wikkity woo!
Id die happy if it was on a canvas man...and thanks for the comment...

its all orange soda manggg....all orange soda... haha

Fo sheeezy mah tha heeeezy yo









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