what an awesome show!

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i was here.
They totally rocked that night !
how was the show?? what songs did they sing???? Oh my God, I can't wait to see them tomorrow!
most of the songs came from their first album.. and they sang a couple of songs from lonely road album.. pen and paper and of course you better pray.. the show was great.. they played 11 songs and it was good..there's a whole bunch of amazing crowd.. i want to see them again tonight!
They also sang "Pull me Back" :D
man, your replies came late!!!! but that's OK kasi I've seen and talked with them naman, hehehe..
OMG! amazing pics!!!!!!! RJA<3333333
these are totally cool pics man... i had a blast at the glorietta show, sadly, i didn't get to meet them.. awww... but i had a couple of cool videos of ther performances. im gonna post em up later... =)
when you went there, was it a "first come first serve" seating arrangement? please reply asap
oh,what happened at trinoma when you want meet and greet you have to be an A Card member. They also honored first 100 rja cd buyers to have a seat and autograph...
really? they honored first 100 cd buyers to have a seat??? reply please....ehe

if thats really the case, dapat pla sa trinoma nlng aq nanuod......
coz i went all the way to glorietta eh, at glorietta kc they honored the first 100 cd buyers to have a cd signing stub ONLY excluded ung seat...

pls reply po....thanx!
im gonna see them tonight at trinoma:)
One word: EPIC.

My mom accompanied me to this show (we were there since 10 AM and the show started at 6 PM!) and I was expecting her to feel neutral or bad about the band. She's not really a fan of rock music and especially screaming vocalists, but I was shocked when she said she really enjoyed the show. She adored the guys especially Ronnie (saying that he's "cute") and Matt (she loved his facial expressions during the photo op session)!

My biggest regret for the night was when I ignored the marshal behind me when the show ended - I didn't mind about the stubs that he was giving away. It turned out they were photo op stubs. I didn't mind it because another marshal told me that my CD signing stub also included a photo op. But it didn't. Bummer. :(

But the show was really unforgettable and all of the guys were really nice! I didn't take home a photo with them but at least I took home a signed album, a lot of bad quality videos (haha) and of course... GOOD MEMORIES to keep. :)



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