ever feel low and left out ? i do all the time as i see life pass by and vanish into the distance..DJ Sun aka Matt

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I'm really quiet, untill you get to know me, but I always keep a low profile, and I'm the one to always get left behind.
it happens to everyone. i know exactly what its like. every now and then i lose my self control and just think, whats the point? but dont let it take over.
And it's so hard to not let it take over, but you just can't.
I have lost it many times and just wanted to end it all.
a lot of ppl know exactly wat thats like. i know i do, and right now im in danger of hitting that stage again, but i dont want to. ever.
Yeah. I'm at that stage, and I can't get out.
i agree completely with emily. finding some way to release helps a lot, as long as its not self-harming.
listen to her cos it sounds like she knows what shes talking bout :P
Once again I'm out of it.
Sometimes I just wish I could be happy and not go back into depression all the time..but it happens and I'm going to have to deal with it. I do find alot of ways to release emotion and get my mind on something else.
Yesterday was actually a very terrific day. I had a huge laughing fit at school for 2 hours with my friends. We usually have a great time 4th hour cause we're all together and we always start cracking up over one thing or another.
I got home and watched RJA's new videoblog and had had way too much coffee so I was very incredible hyper. It was great. I'm actually very happy for the time being.
yea..... I kinda let it pass by and vanish as apposed to realizing it did..... hmmmmm
right now im close to crumbling to be onest.
Jezza, don't mention this on the boards. Sarah will blame herself
No worries Brendan. I never said a word, but I think you already know she's found out.
I just wish you would come back, everybody misses you quite terribly, I read your last post here a while back and started balling. I thought something terrible was about to go down with you. Please, this is all I ask, just please, don't let it get the best of you. You've go soo many people that just absolutely adore you, me being one of them. It's your choice to come back to the boards, just know I'm always here for you to talk to, that goes for all of you.
suicide.. wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel like that all the time,no one wants to sit by me and no one under stand me at all becuz no one is in MY shoe's..i wish some one wold try and say to this punk-hipy aka me...



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