On my way back to Florida to finish cutting vocals on the new album!!! So far it is sounding pretty epic, stay tuned for some sneak peeks coming soon:)-Ron

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dude, where'd ya get the sticker?

...hopefully the new album is like the first or second...the third didnt amaze me [still love RJA]
got it printed at a local graphic printing place! just bring them a picture or send them a picture and they can print however big you want! it only cost me like 15 bucks!
just to clarify this for the fans that may not get this. they had an album that they released without a label before DYFI so thats why shes calling this the 4th album
ALRIIiiight!! Yay God is good!!

God is it!!
sweet a new album! deff excited now! =) cant wait!
awesome cant wait to listen to it im sure it will be great!!!
Can't wait for new release, i hope it's like the first album or the disconnected single
yaaayyyyy,,that's good news...can't wait...!!:D
holy crap, I sooo can't waitt!!!!!! :)
WHOAHLY CRAP! I'm pumped! Wait, so this is a brand-new album, right? Not an acoustic or anything? Actually, I could see this being an acoustic album, I mean, you're doing the acoustic night. Still, who's producing? Benson? Bendeth? Someone else who has a last name starting with Ben?

I don't care what it is, I am pumped out of my MIND.
from what i heard from ronnie theres a new acoustic album and a brand-new album
WOOOOOO!!!!Cnt wait!!! u guys are kool!!!!!! i love ur music guys!!!



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