have you ever had to have sugary? if so please help me, i mite need it, and it's freaking me out, i will get seen by a doc (hopefully in the next two or so week's) to find out if i really need it, you see i've had a throat sore off and on for the last two or so year's, and as i said, it's freaking me out, and haven' a throat sore off and on for that long really suck's, so yeah plz help =]
yeah, i had my tonsils removed when i was 7 or something. i wasn't allowed to eat lunch.i was so hungry when i woke up.
the next day they gave me cornflakes for breafast o.0
it really didn't help my sore throat. nurses can be so blonde.
there's really no point freaking out about something that's out of your control. just trust the doctors and surgens. they know what they're doing :D
ive had 6 surgeries. my back, my heal chords, my left knee, two on left my wrist, and my stomach. im sure you'll be fine. the surgens know what they are doing.
agreed. I've had quite a few surgeries. It'll be ok. It's scary but the doctors know what they are doing. But they are doctors. But I totally understand you being scared..it's only human nature.