Do You Agree On How Some People Totally Dissed RJA Because...

of there new change in music?

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Absolutley not. People need to realize that the sound or the image is important, but it's NOT the most important. The message the music conveys is what counts the most. And I say the messages have DEFINTELY helped me deal with things in my life. RJA's music has had the most influence on me. I have been a fan for a couple years now and not once has a song of theirs brought me down. It has always lifted me up and made me feel powerful and good. Of course we all know RJA's music has influenced people's lives....and for me, I know it influenced mine in a positive way. :)
its all about understanding the meaning behind the songs really, if people cant see that, then sad to say...they dumb lol
I do not disrespect them any at all, and I never have. They are a solid group. They have good music with great lyrics that is clean. Honestly, I have a really hard time finding that these days. Plus I am a Christian and I think that some of their lyrics carry some good messages about faith and love.
nope..even there are some changes in their music, their music still catches up the attention of every people..and still love them..i love rja more because of that..the band also shows that they are flexible when it comes to music..they are exploring..improving in every aspects..
I don't agree to those people...
RJA rocks no matter what is their music style
the important thing is the message of the music! XD
i think they changed thur sound a bit, but hey if that's what they wanted to do then i support them 100%! and lonely road is just as perfect as dont u fake it!!









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