okay first off, i just want to point it out that im bad at copying (faces, buildings, guns, etc) i mainly draw whats on my mind...so this was a bit hard for me. Lemme know what you guys think

and yes i know it doesnt look anything like them, but i tried

this goes out to Ronnie who requested for it btw.

Total Draw/Ink time 3Hours :D

Duke Kitchens
Jon Wilkes
Joey Westwood
Ronnie Winter

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omg i loveeeeeee thesee.... sooooooooo awesomeee!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
you did an absolutely wonderful magnificent job on theseeee... hahahaha they're all so cool. xD
totallyyy love themmm. so much!!!!!!!! XD
agreed bro
these are great!!!! promise!!!! i love these!!!!
he's an odd cookie, meghan.
im not surprised with the random tags anymore.

i still love these thingssss... they're sooo realisitic :D
Hey Vince how are you my friend!?

Once again you have out done yourself and have mastered the "Pen and Paper," so to speak. I was blown away when i seen the sketch of Duke and was delighted to see that you had drawn the other three band members! Imagine doing a sketch of Matt'o'saurus if he was to be named in the band as well...!

I love these sketches mangs i have always liked your artwork. Can't wait to see your artwork on a single or album cover dude!

haha like i said id die happy if that happens...and well i gots good news for ya...im actually planning on doing matt...i just need to study a couple of pics with him in it... :D
They're done.
seriously Vince, when you said you don't draw well, were you just toying with me? lol.
these are amaaazing. i love how you shaded them, great detail. :)
i like joey's the most && your sketches look like the guys. i'd recognize them even without the labels.
i love them. ;]
and i'm sure Ronnie will love them even more. <3
no i wasnt toying with you lol, i cant even draw buildings correctly, lol...Joey and duke were actually the easiest to draw...haha
i struggle with joey. he's a little more complicated to draw. && i can draw buildings but not bodies.
your hand is like the total opposite of mine. want to swap skills with me? haha. jk.
as i said, don't sell yourself short, coz these are exquisite. ;]

im speechless..hahaha
waaaaw!! awesome artworks buddy!! i like the anime-ish look of ronnie and joey!
keep up the amazing works man!!

~rock on!
haha they all look like anime dont they? haha so much for trying to change my style...lol thanks for the comment mabes, appreciate it :D



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