I just recently found the time to watch the entire ShockHound Shock TV session with RJA. I don't know about you, but it is probably one of the best live performances I've seen by Red Jumpsuit to date. I have a soft spot for acoustic, being in an acoustic band myself, but the live session shows how truly skilled the band members truly are. Duke totally rocked it out, Ronnie's vocals were angelic as always, Matt was kickin' with that intro for You Better Pray, and Jon was keepin' a beat like nobody's business :). Well done guys, you get a most heart-felt two thumbs up from me!
P.S. An acoustic album would be the most epic album of all time ;].

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lol And what about Joey?!

Ronnie said that the label wants to release the acoustic cd, so that would be awesome.
who's Matt?
Err, seriously? Matt is their lead guitars.
matt is the guy that took elias's place when he left
oooooooohhhhh. i've totally missed everything that's been going on for about a year!!!!!
*feeling rather stupid*
he's actually the first one on the list of featured members...
will he stay or he's a sessionist? i hope he stays...
they already made an acoustic album =] they sold it when they did the acoustic tour. it just hasnt been officially released yet. the other day in chat ronnie said they were working with virgin because virgin wants to release it.

i do hope if/when they release it they add some songs off of this album.

they need to do another acoustic tour =]

ps. ronnie also said in the chat that wanted to learn violin so he could play the string arrangements live.
tjis session was amazing *_*
nikk.....u forgot joey.......but awesomeness if they release it :)



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