anyone know the absolute meaning of or what the song Waiting is about?...

i think i have a pretty good idea, but im not 100% sure
which is probably my favorite song off of DYFI

Lonely Road is pretty awsome as well...i'll have a review of it up on my vlog page soon!!!

thanks guys
long live the alliance! (so cliche...haha. but it so true!)

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hmm waiting... i guess its pointing out that just plainly waiting for the world to change aint gonna give u jack shit unless you actually do something. i mean like, how the heck is the world gonna change for the better if you dont even do something? and i guess it also talks about how one person can make that move and the rest shall soon follow...

thats just me and my 2 cents tho... :D
AThis is just my opinion on what its about:
To me it's al about being a kid in one of those not so happy homes...and just waiting for the whole situation to end, the whole time watching your parental figure lie on the ground and collapse into a drug indused state, and just the anger you'feel. Just the feeling of just waiting and waiting for everything to change, or for you to have the ablity to change it.

Again this is just the way i see it.
the meaning basically seen within the words.. hehehe... dig a little deeper and there... the meaning is kinda literal unlike their other songs. they used figurative language.









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