which album do you like??im only asking because i want to know what album si much attaractive...

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dont you fake it
again with the comparisons...sigh, i wish people would stop this. their both great albums at their own right. but if i have to choose, id go for lonely road cuz my dad and my mom actually listen to rja now. cuz with dont you fake it...all they heard (for them) is noise and screaming. and now even my dad sees the beauty of the lyrics written to each song in lonely road. i even caught him singing you better pray lol
hahaha thats the same with my mom shes like i like rja ... just not the screaming he has an amazing voice!.....but i cant decide wich cd...cuz both are different sounds so you cant really compare....i enjoy both so far!!! =D
..im not comparing..im just asking...i want to know w/c album do you like most...thats all..i have no intention of comparing...just asking..just surveying...thats all
vince is right.. although i really like dont you fake it more than lonely road.. i really loved all the noise and screaming, with the lyrics full of emotion and intensity.. damn.. lonely road was.. well.. not what i really expected.. though the lyrics still rock [awesome, in fact], i really miss the screams and the distortion.. anyway.. i still love rja !! :D
don't you fuck it U_U
I love both, but i prefer the first
hahaha nice bud
I prefer Don't You Fake it, but Lonely Road is still a great album. DYFI is my first favorite album from any band, and Lonely Road is my second favorite from any band. so their both the best albums, but I think DYFI is just a bit better
I'd have to say DYFI cause' it gots Justify in it. Lol.
don''t you fake it by far ... the new album is goood but don't you fake it was amazing and it was like actual meaning... now the lyrics are just like him talking too someone its weird
both are good... but of course everyone is most likely gonna like dont you fake it more because it was their first album, what sucked everyone into the RJA music in the first place.
Both albums have two different sounds. DYFI was more.. "intense" and "in your face" kind of and Lonely road is basically like the title.. a lonely road, more chill more relaxed. They don't just name the albums anything, the title obviously sets the mood of the album all together.

just sayinnnggg. :)
yeaah! i can't agree more with you girl!

I love both albums!! I can't choose which one I like better!



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