Im in 2 minds about this, i mean i cant wait 4 the new red jumpsuit cd 2 come out and i really like how the guys hav let us get a taste of what the new albums going 2 b like, but at the same time i wonder if letting us hear 5 of the 11 songs before the album actually comes out is going to take a bit of pure amazingness out of the cd as we would have already have heard most the songs, what does everyone else think?

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im still buying it :D makes me curious how the rest of the album sounds like
no, it doesnt take the amazingness out of it. like vince it makes me want to hear the rest of the album. letting us hear the songs early just tells me that the guys are uber proud of this album and cant bear to keep it all a secret
Exactly man, well said! Plus they've only "officially" released like 2 songs... We're just the die-hard fans that should likewise get some die-hard benefits :). I mean if anything it builds up the suspense before the album comes out because we really how truly bad-ass the album is going to be ;].
i think they saw this and took the songs off :(((((((((((((
dw you can find them again on youtube =]
these could be songs that are not even on the cd. they just cut them from the cd because many bands make many songs that they can put on the album and sometimes don't even put them on there. so we'll see.
yea they are on the cd...cuz on one of their blogs on myspace they posted the track list..and here it is

1. You Better Pray
2. No Spell
3. Pen and Paper
4. Represent
5. Pull Me Back
6. Step Right Up
7. Believe
8. Pleads and Postcards
9. Lonely Road
10. Senioritis
11. Godspeed
don't forget that we haven't even heard the song the CD is named after...
well alright i didn't see that on their myspace. but yah ur right i see it now
yea man...
this amazing band In Fear And Faith did the exact same thing...but they previewed 3 new songs and re-did 2 of the songs from a debut ep, and it kinda did take some of the amazingness out.

i was listening to it and i was like "i wanna enjoy it...but ive heard it so much..."

but i seriously doubt i can get tired of ANY rja song...waiting has been listend by me on itunes 250+ times, and it NEVER gets old!









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