Alright,s o im going to see rja Jan 24th (this saturday) and i need some experienced people that have seen them.

are they worth going to watch?? A lot of people say they suck live and ive seen some vids where they do, and then there are some vids where they flat out rock. but it could just be the quality of the camera also. i mean absolutly LOVEEE the band so i dont care if it sucks or not. im just asking people so i know wat to look forward to. ya know?

ALSO: If your going let me know! Jan 24th (this saturday)

Peace: Brandon

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AW DUUUUUDE! you are soooo frickin lucky you are gunna be seeing them on saturday....i might go on feb. 10th ! i am sorry to say that i havent seen them live yet. but i will tell you that they totally rock! sometimes its just the quality of the videos you're watching. but truly in MY would be totally worth going to see them. i know i wish i could.
i want to see them live sooooo baddd
but they dont come to georgia often..
and when they do i cant go because
of some stupid reason :(
it it so totally worth it. if the videos suck its the quality of the camera or it could be from a show where ronnie was sick(depending on if its a recent video or not) you really need to see them live once and then you can judge for yourself. plus too the guys are really friendly and are ready and willing to meet anyone that wants to meet them and its not like some bands that just sit behind a table and just say hi, sign your stuff and then move on to the next person in line.
if you like the band it shoulnd;t matter what other people have to say bout how they are live you should go becasue you want to go not because someone tells you to go.
i know. im just seein what people say so i know wat to look forward to
THEY ARE AMAZING LIVE! im so jelous of u! Ronnie sings gorgeously -- as always. Theyre awsome live! trust me!
haha thanks
You Dont Even Need To Ask The Question LOL
They Are AMAZING No Doubt
There Such Lovely People <3
I've Only Seen Them Once As Im In England
But Seriously Your Gonna Have Such A Good Time

They are completely amazing live.
It's something they do that I'm quite not able to describe.
Whatever it is, It makes you feel the most alive you've ever been.

I've seen them a number of times, And every time, It's like the first.
Have fun, You will see what I'm talking about :)
haha thanks. are you coming the 24th?
if you want to know they suck or are good live..then watch this video i have of them:

then let me know what you think lol..
ive seen them like at least 10 times cuz i live in southwest florida and they always! play near me and i see them everytime..but i hope the video helps!!!
omg dude thanks so much. that was amazing lol









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