I've been doing allot of self finding in the last couple of weeks. It came to the point where i had to. I felt myself losing control. I felt myself on the fine line of reality and my own little world. I also hadn't realized that my actions, and mistakes where taking a toll on my friends.

I hadn't realized why the world had been angry with me. But then again i wasn't thinking either. I didn't want to. My mom had just kicked me out, and i was backing living with my grandparents once again. My mind couldn't comprehend everything at once, her words only kept repeating in my head. I wanted her out of my life and she would't leave. I later realized that the mistakes that i made, made me lose a lot of people. I lost my best friend, and the respect of another.

But I realized that, yes it sucks that i lost them to my own fault, but maybe this was a path that i had to get threw, and the were just obstacles on the way threw, that them themselves were the lesson. The lesson that is people who you think will be there forever really won't. One way or another, mentally or physically they will leave you. They might come back, but they will leave you. You feel crushed and hopeless because you once depended on this one or maybe more to give you happiness, to give you that feeling you might not get all the time.

But in the end, I've learned, it will turn out right. You might not have a good day, but theres at least one good thing in that bad day.

So Just think about who's important to you and live life to the fullest with them, cause they might not always be there.

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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on February 4, 2010 at 10:50pm
thank you..this really just struck me..that was really brave..thank you =]
Comment by Randy Winter on February 4, 2010 at 6:13pm
many things true


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