Hey guys im going to be posting a whole bunch of poems on here. Each year my school makes a book with a poem from each student(we have roughly around 4,000 kids). and I need help for which one to put in.


I Stop
To think and Wonder

I wonder where are you?
Where’s the one who loved me?
Where’s the one who cared for me?
Where’s the one who promised?

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

And yes your still standing here
but your not him
You’ve changed your not here

I miss the real you
The one who would do anything
The one who was there

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

Yes I still see you
every now and then
if I ask, If I plead

But even when I ask and plead
It’s like i’m a burden
I’m not wanted
But the old you would want me
The old you is wanted

He’s gone
He left a while ago
With a bag over his shoulder

Sometimes I wonder
what’s in that bag
Was it good, or bad?

Was it memories?
Was it good times,
Maybe bad?
Was it that promise you made?

I hope it is
I wish it is

Because if it is
I plead,
Open that bag
Remember where it came from.

I know it was bad
All that we’ve been threw
But to you, it’s gone

To me
I’m still here
living it

Your gone
You left a while ago
With a bag over your shoulder
Remember where you came from


You look at me
Tears in your eyes

Screaming me to stop

You yell
I cry
You Hug Me
I push you away

You tell me to stop
Even Though you understand
You call it Stupid
Even Though you’ve been in my shoes

You Plead
and preach
I cry
I weep

We’re both the same
You’ve been in my shoes
I’ve been in yours
But you still criticize

I know the scars are there
You keep reminding me
They there in our Attire
And we grow tired of them

But they’re still there
You right here
Not near
Or there

But your right here
And even though you criticize
I love you just the same

Views: 11


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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on February 14, 2010 at 11:16pm
one word for both peoms..WOW..they were both very nice..i can relate to both..but as far as i can tell you should go with shoe's ;]


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