So, this past weekend I was on a weekend retreat with my youth group (Steubenville East) and it was freakin' amazing! A really funny thing happened when my boyfriend, Ben, was imitating his roommate Josh waking him up in the middle of the night. "BEN WAKE UP TRAEGER IS RAPING DANNY!!! ...shh shh listen...oh...OH...uuh...OOOOOHHHHHHH!" That was just one of those priceless moments I'll never forget.
Well, after the retreat, my boyfriend and I were hanging out at my house. We were tired, bored, and had nothing to do. So, to pass the time, we came up with new words for "I'm a Little Tea Pot". I figured I'd post our lil song for everyone's enjoyment at our complete and total retarded randomness. XD
"I'm a lil white boy, pale and fat.
Here is my big mac and I am a brat.
When I eat my burger I can't walk.
Tip me over and roll me home!"

Also, we started coming up with names for kids when we're older. First off was Herbert the Pervert. We would teach him to talk with a lisp like the old creepy dude in Family Guy! Then my sister helped us come up with Flora (or Dora) the Whora. I came up with Mitch the Bitch. And today Ben just came up with another one: Chester the Molester! Our kids would hate us so so much. I can just imagine the conversation of telling them where their names came from though... XD So yeah, Herbert the Pervert, Dora the Whora, Mitch the Bitch, and Chester the Molester. Good times, good times... ^.^

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Comment by Janine on August 18, 2009 at 12:01am
The part about the freaky old guy from family guy was pretty funny.
Comment by kanela on August 8, 2009 at 2:49pm
ahhh so i shall accept that as my name, dora the whora :)
Comment by AbbieNormal on August 5, 2009 at 11:42am
No! Mitch can be a girl's name. Like a nickname for Michelle or something... >.>
You didn't laugh! Ee-gahd! =X Ah well. It may have seemed a lot funnier in person...
Comment by naomi. on July 29, 2009 at 9:01pm
well it'd have to be dora the whora .. coz all of the other names are male. :P
Comment by kanela on July 29, 2009 at 4:54pm
thank god im not your kid......i wonder what you would've called me :)
Comment by naomi. on July 29, 2009 at 1:31pm
well.. this is definitely very... odd.. xD
but you're wronggg! :O!
i didn't laugh. :P








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