So, it's 4:45 right now and I'm not asleep. Why? No idea, couldn't tell ya. Anyways, in my late night/early mornings internet surfing, I found the great, most hilarious youtube video of all times, created by the awesome (and apparently sadistic) Ronnie Winter. I saw this and started just cracking up. XD

In a personal note on this video, I could so see myself doing this and have decided that I'm getting a freakin' tazer! If I had one...hehe...very bad things...very bad...I would feel bad for my friends...while laughing at them... Anyways, at this point I'm probably rambling (it's now 4:49!) so I'm just gonna post this and get on with my life. Toodles ya'll.

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Comment by AbbieNormal on July 12, 2009 at 1:51am
haha, yup, definitely a lat night person. ^.^ I found it through youtube! On my suggestions section, it had a youtube greeting from Ronnie saying that this was his youtube account, so I checked out the other stuff he had uploaded, found that, and laughed my ass off! It's definitely mean, but that's what makes it so great! (I want a tazer to do something like this or something else completely original)
Comment by Mari on July 10, 2009 at 7:18pm
ha you always said you were a late nighter person and yeah ive seen this video too on megans page howd you find it and yeah it's so funny funny but kinda mean and it made me laugh cause ronnie laughed cause at first like i said i thought it was mean but i couldnt help but laugh
Comment by AbbieNormal on July 10, 2009 at 6:04pm
Oh, and while on the subject of funny youtube videos (though completely unRJArelated) this video kinda makes me want to work at Taco Bell...or at least find this guy and hug him for being so awesome... haha. XD
('s now 5:34...still don't know why I'm up...there may be something wrong in my noggin at this point.... >.>)








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