Hey all,

I know that RJA has a large following in the Philippines, so I figured that here would be as good a place as any to ask some questions about the Philippines.

Next summer, I'm hoping to go the Philippines for a month with a humanitarian organization called A Brouder View. (website ---> http://abroaderview.org/tanauan.php ) I plan on combining the orphanage/child care assistance with the street kids/youth program. The only problem with my plan is convincing my parents about the safety. (I'll be turning 18 next summer)

So here's my question for all you RJA fans from the Philippines: do you know the Tacloban area, particularly Tanauan? (Tanauan is 45 minutes outside Tacloban.) Any information about the political situation in the area would be appreciated. In short, would Tanauan be safe for a 17 year old white girl from America or would I be seriously targeted with a high chance of being harmed?

Thanks guys! =]

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Comment by AbbieNormal on August 24, 2010 at 2:58pm
Again, thanks a ton Vince! I'll let my dad know what you said, and hopefully convince him. So far, things are looking good! So I'll probably be there next summer. ^_^
Comment by Vince on August 24, 2010 at 2:33pm
for now, manila is the place to stay away from...tacloban is a pretty nice place from what ive heard :)
Comment by AbbieNormal on August 20, 2010 at 9:52am
Thank you so much for your feedback. It will really help reassure my parents to know there hasn't been any political violence in that area. Yeah, the organization I'm looking into looks like they make safety a main prioity, so I think I'll be fine. Thank you. =]
Comment by jeijeielletee on August 19, 2010 at 11:10pm
I'm from the Philippines, but not from Tanauan. We just had our National and local elections last May and from what I've heard, there hasn't been any political violence in the Leyte area.

I read on the site you gave, if you are to be accomodated in a local host family, then I guess they will ensure your safety when you arrive. I also read that you'll be oriented and your organization will be at reach 24/7, so it wouldn't be very dangerous for you.


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