Hey what's up! I dont know about you guys, but I a absolutely in lone wit this band RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS!!!! The very first time I ever heard of this band was in Nov. or Dec. I was at my friends house and we were listening to her Ipod and the songs Your Guardian Angel and Justify, two of my fav. songs by them, came on. I didnt really like it at first because of the heavy metal, but after listening to it for a while I realized that this song was kinda catchy. When I got home I immediately went… Continue
Added by Mari on July 15, 2009 at 1:49pm —
1 Comment
Have you ever seen Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Live? It doesnt have to be live in person. I just mean live in general like on youtube or video it doesnt matter. Well if you have, have you ever noticed how much fun they have on stage. They always preform like it's they're last performance of they're lives. They always preform it the best they can, and they always give it their all. You see them on stage, and they're smiling and have a good time. Ronnie always interacts with the audience like when he… Continue
Ok so I like really do love this site, and I Hope you guys do too cause it's awesome! Ok so I actually found this site on an accident. I was on google trying to figure out how old Ronnie Winter is and the link that I chose ended up taking me to their myspace page! I was really happy because I found out a lot about Ronnie and the band. I wanted to find out how I could e- mail Ronnie or the band, so I clicked on some links form the myspace page. The link that i clicked on brought me to this page… Continue