In a magical town called Finglehorp, a species of unicorns reaching an average height of 3ft 11in. existed in war and happiness. You see, some of the unicorns wanted to expose themselves to the world, and some of them wanted to first create a
war against the goblins of Jundflep, another colony that was in the
Atlantic ocean. Another group of unicorns thought it best to try to
reach a world accomplishment, like making peace with the mars…
man that is so not cool...i've had a lot of death in my life,it's not some thing to joke bout,,,i lost sleep over it!!!!!!! well thank you lugz ya byes =]
man i sewer the top of your page is like say have you seen Hayden like with in the last few days? Caroline said it's hard for me to say but she said that Hayden is dead..i really need to know if it's a lie or...sadly not....well lugz ya byes =] =/
lol np i hear horses are really nice when theyre treated the right way I like the nice brown horses I think theyre so pretty i want to ride one someday is it hard to stay on top of a horse like even with the sattle
oh i see you like horses ive always wanted to go horse back riding but theres not a lot of horses here i live so... cant really do that but when i get older i will cause ive never had but it looks like fun lol
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i stopped coming on for a while, and yea......
lugz ya tho!!!!! hehe.
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