Awakening Love

I remain awake through the night, I lay in bed, thoughts of you floating in my head. Why cant I get you out of there? I think about you all the time but you don’t seem to care. I look at the clock as it strikes three, and I still haven’t gotten an ounce of sleep. My thoughts of you I treasure and keep. But they don’t help me get any sleep. I cant get her out of my head I keep thinking of all the things she said. Why cant I get you out? Your in my head every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Your in my head every day! Your in my head ever hour! Your in my head every minute! Your in my head every second! I just cant get you out!! I have this reoccurring issue. I constantly miss you! I got to let you know. I wont ever let you go!

Here I stand...waiting with arms wide open, to hold you against my heart, I will wipe away your tears, I will make you laugh, make you smile, drive you crazy till you go wild. No this isn’t a dream, its not to good to be true, its time for you to get what you deserve....Trust me you have my heart forever.....this I promise...

The thought of you keeps me alive, even when your not here with me im dreamin im laying by your side, your hands clasped in mine, i look in your eyes, those pretty eyes that im longing to know what you feel deep inside...dont ever let go, hold on to me, lets lay here forever, until the stars say goodnight. I will do anything, anything for you, can you hear my heart calling out to you??

Here I stand...waiting with arms wide open, to hold you against my heart, I will wipe away your tears, I will make you laugh, make you smile, drive you crazy till you go wild. No this isn’t a dream, its not to good to be true, its time for you to get what you deserve....Trust me you have my heart forever.....this I promise...

My heart screams your name, i will take away your pain. this love of mine is not a game. its so hard to express how i feel. I just cant get you out of my head. I just think about you as I lay in bed. All night long. We can sing this song.


....We can sing this song........

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Comment by Vince on April 23, 2008 at 9:24pm
AWESOME!!! gimme demo quick!! :D








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